/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; module.metadata = { "stability": "unstable" }; const { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome'); const { Unknown } = require('../platform/xpcom'); const { Class } = require('../core/heritage'); const { ns } = require('../core/namespace'); const { addObserver, removeObserver, notifyObservers } = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIObserverService); const Subject = Class({ extends: Unknown, initialize: function initialize(object) { // Double-wrap the object and set a property identifying the // wrappedJSObject as one of our wrappers to distinguish between // subjects that are one of our wrappers (which we should unwrap // when notifying our observers) and those that are real JS XPCOM // components (which we should pass through unaltered). this.wrappedJSObject = { observersModuleSubjectWrapper: true, object: object }; }, getHelperForLanguage: function() {}, getInterfaces: function() {} }); function emit(type, event) { let subject = 'subject' in event ? Subject(event.subject) : null; let data = 'data' in event ? event.data : null; notifyObservers(subject, type, data); } exports.emit = emit; const Observer = Class({ extends: Unknown, initialize: function initialize(listener) { this.listener = listener; }, interfaces: [ 'nsIObserver', 'nsISupportsWeakReference' ], observe: function(subject, topic, data) { // Extract the wrapped object for subjects that are one of our // wrappers around a JS object. This way we support both wrapped // subjects created using this module and those that are real // XPCOM components. if (subject && typeof(subject) == 'object' && ('wrappedJSObject' in subject) && ('observersModuleSubjectWrapper' in subject.wrappedJSObject)) subject = subject.wrappedJSObject.object; try { this.listener({ type: topic, subject: subject, data: data }); } catch (error) { console.exception(error); } } }); const subscribers = ns(); function on(type, listener, strong) { // Unless last optional argument is `true` we use a weak reference to a // listener. let weak = !strong; // Take list of observers associated with given `listener` function. let observers = subscribers(listener); // If `observer` for the given `type` is not registered yet, then // associate an `observer` and register it. if (!(type in observers)) { let observer = Observer(listener); observers[type] = observer; addObserver(observer, type, weak); } } exports.on = on; function once(type, listener) { // Note: this code assumes order in which listeners are called, which is fine // as long as dispatch happens in same order as listener registration which // is the case now. That being said we should be aware that this may break // in a future if order will change. on(type, listener); on(type, function cleanup() { off(type, listener); off(type, cleanup); }, true); } exports.once = once; function off(type, listener) { // Take list of observers as with the given `listener`. let observers = subscribers(listener); // If `observer` for the given `type` is registered, then // remove it & unregister. if (type in observers) { let observer = observers[type]; delete observers[type]; removeObserver(observer, type); } } exports.off = off;