describe('prelude', function() { var addTestSet = function(fn, tests) { _.each(tests, function(test) { it(test[0], function() { var args = test.slice(1, test.length - 1); expect(fn.apply(undefined, args)).toEqual(test[test.length - 1]); }); }); }; addTestSet(fiveui.isString,[ // name , input , oracle ['isString: undefined', undefined, false], ['isString: null' , null, false], ['isString: a string' , 'str', true] ]); addTestSet(fiveui.string.trim, [ ['string.trim leading space' , ' str', 'str'], ['string.trim on null' , null, null], ['string.trim trailing space' , 'str ', 'str'], ['string.trim trailing tab' , 'str \t ', 'str'], ['string.trim mixed & interior', ' this is a str \t ', 'this is a str'] ]); addTestSet(fiveui.word.capitalized, [ ['capitalize: empty string' , '', false], ['capitalize: a space' , ' ', false], ['capitalize: whitespace' , '\t ', false], ['capitalize: lowercase' , 'test', false], ['capitalize: N-token' , 'a test', false], ['capitalize: leading space' , ' test', false], ['capitalize: 1-token - leading cap' , 'Test', true], ['capitalize: N-token - leading cap' , 'A test', true], ['capitalize: N-token - one cap' , 'this is a Test', false], ['capitalize: N-token - one cap, punc' , 'this, is a Test.', false], ['capitalize: N-token - all leading caps' , 'This Test', true], ['capitalize: all caps' , 'TEST', true], ['capitalize: N-token - all caps' , 'A TEST', true] ]); addTestSet(fiveui.word.allCaps, [ ['allCaps: empty string' , '', false], ['allCaps: a space' , ' ', false], ['allCaps: whitespace' , '\t ', false], ['allCaps: lowercase' , 'test', false], ['allCaps: N-token' , 'a test', false], ['allCaps: leading space' , ' test', false], ['allCaps: all caps' , 'TEST', true], ['allCaps: N-token - all caps' , 'A TEST', true], ['allCaps: 1-token - leading cap' , 'Test', false], ['allCaps: N-token - leading cap' , 'A test', false], ['allCaps: N-token - one cap , punc' , 'this, is a Test.', false], ['allCaps: N-token - all caps , punc' , 'THIS, IS A TEST.', true] ]); var testTokenize = function(spec) { it(spec[0], function() { var result = fiveui.string.tokens(spec[1]); var oracle = spec[2]; expect(result.length).toBe(oracle.length); _.each(result, function(r, i) { expect(r).toEqual(oracle[i]); }) }); }; _.each([ ['tokenize: empty string' , '', []], ['tokenize: a space' , ' ', []], ['tokenize: whitespace' , '\t ', []], ['tokenize: lowercase' , 'test', ['test']], ['tokenize: N-token' , 'a test', ['a', 'test']], ['tokenize: N-token - more spaces', 'a test', ['a', 'test']], ['tokenize: leading spaces' , ' test', ['test']], ['tokenize: trailing spaces', 'test ', ['test']], ['tokenize: N-token' , 'this is a test', ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']], ['tokenize: N-token - punc' , 'this, is a test.', ['this,', 'is', 'a', 'test.']] ], testTokenize); it('colorCheck returns a function', function() { expect(typeof fiveui.color.colorCheck('', [])).toEqual('function'); }); addTestSet(fiveui.color.hexToRGB, [ // name , input , oracle ['hexToRGB: full black' , '#000000', { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }], ['hexToRGB: full white' , '#FFFFFF', { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }], ['hexToRGB: C7 grey' , '#C7C7C7', { r: 199, g: 199, b: 199 }], ['hexToRGB: full red' , '#FF0000', { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }], ['hexToRGB: full blue' , '#0000FF', { r: 0, g: 0, b: 255 }], ]); addTestSet(fiveui.color.rgbToHex, [ // name , 3 inputs, oracle ['rgbToHex: full black' , 0, 0, 0, '#000000'], ['rgbToHex: full white' , 255, 255, 255, '#FFFFFF'], ['rgbToHex: C7 grey' , 199, 199, 199, '#C7C7C7'], ['rgbToHex: full red' , 255, 0, 0, '#FF0000'], ['rgbToHex: full blue' , 0, 0, 255, '#0000FF'] ]); addTestSet(fiveui.color.colorToHex, [ ['colorToHex: full black' , '#000000', '#000000'], ['colorToHex: abreviated black 1' , '#0', '#000000'], ['colorToHex: abreviated black 2' , '#00', '#000000'], ['colorToHex: white' , '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF'], ['colorToHex: abreviated white' , '#FF', '#FFFFFF'], ['colorToHex: abreviated C7 grey' , '#C7', '#C7C7C7'], ['colorToHex: rgb(0, 0, 0)' , 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', '#000000'], ['colorToHex: rgb(255, 255, 255)' , 'rgb(255, 255, 255)', '#FFFFFF'], ['colorToHex: rgb(222, 173, 190)' , 'rgb(222, 173, 190)', '#DEADBE'], ['colorToHex: rgba(255, 255, 255, 100)', 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 100)', '#FFFFFF'] // alpha is ignored ]); addTestSet(fiveui.color.colorToRGB, [ ['colorToRGB: full black' , '#000000', {r: 0, g: 0, b:0} ], ['colorToRGB: abreviated black 1' , '#0', {r: 0, g: 0, b:0} ], ['colorToRGB: white' , '#FFFFFF', {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255} ], ['colorToRGB: rgb(222, 173, 190)' , 'rgb(222, 173, 190)', {r: 222, g: 173, b: 190, a: 1} ], ['colorToRGB: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)', 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)', {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 0.7 } ] ]); addTestSet(fiveui.color.alphaCombine, [ ['red and white make pinkish', {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0.5}, {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1}, {r: 255, g: 127, b: 127, a: 1} ], ['red and yellow make orange', {r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0.5}, {r: 255, g: 255, b: 0, a: 1}, {r: 255, g: 127, b: 0, a: 1} ] ]); // to test fiveui.color.findBGColor, we need a jQuery obj for input describe("fiveui.color.findBGColor", function () { beforeEach(function () { // insert new div id=test to add test html content to $("body").append($("
")); }); afterEach(function () { // remove the test div $("#test").remove(); }); it("should report a white background", function () { $("#test").append($('
')); obj = $("#fbgc1"); oracle = { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1 }; expect(fiveui.color.findBGColor(obj)).toEqual(oracle); }); it("should report a red background", function () { $("#test").append($('
')); obj = $("#fbgc2"); oracle = { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }; expect(fiveui.color.findBGColor(obj)).toEqual(oracle); }); it("should report a transparent red over white background", function () { $("#test").append($('
' + 'this bg is white ' + '' + 'this bg is pink' + '' + '
')); obj = $("#pinkspan"); oracle = { r: 255, g: 128, b: 128, a: 1 }; expect(fiveui.color.findBGColor(obj)).toEqual(oracle); }); }); var getFontTests = [ // CSS ID, Family, Weight, Size ['#getFontTest1', 'Arial', 'normal', '12'], ['#getFontTest2', 'Arial sans-serif', 'normal', '12'], ['#getFontTest3', 'Arial', 'bold', '12'], // this case deals with an unparsable font-size parameter, which yields an // empty size field on the result structure. ['#getFontTest4', 'Verdana', 'bold', ''] ]; var getFontTestsDom = jQuery( '


' +'


' +'


' +'


' +'
' ); _.each(getFontTests, function (spec) { it(spec[0], function() { var jElt = getFontTestsDom.find(spec[0]); var font = fiveui.font.getFont(jElt); expect([1])).not.toBe(-1); expect(font.weight.indexOf(spec[2])).not.toBe(-1); expect(font.size.indexOf(spec[3])).not.toBe(-1); }); }); var validateTests = // name, allow, font, oracle [ ['a:verdana-bold-10 f:verdana+sans-bold-10', {'Verdana':{'bold':[10]}}, {'family':'Verdana sans-serif', 'weight':'bold', 'size':'10'}, true ] , ['a:verdana-normal-12 f:verdana+sans-bold-10', {'Verdana':{'normal':[12]}}, {'family':'Verdana sans-serif', 'weight':'bold', 'size':'10'}, false ] , ['a:arial-normal-12 f:verdana+sans-bold-10', {'Arial':{'normal':[12]}}, {'family':'Verdana sans-serif', 'weight':'bold', 'size':'10'}, false ] , ['a:verdana-normal-10,12,14 f:verdana-normal-14', {'Verdana':{'normal':[10, 12, 14]}}, {'family':'Verdana', 'weight':'normal', 'size':'14'}, true ] , ['a:verdana-normal,bold-12 f:verdana-bold-12', {'Verdana':{'normal':[12], 'bold':[12]}}, {'family':'Verdana', 'weight':'bold', 'size':'12'}, true ] , ['a:verdana,arial-normal-12 f:arial-normal-12', {'Verdana':{'normal':[12]}, 'Arial':{'normal':[12]}}, {'family':'Arial', 'weight':'normal', 'size':'12'}, false ] ]; _.each(validateTests, function (spec) { it(spec[0], function () { expect(fiveui.font.validate(spec[1], spec[2])).toEqual(spec[3]); }); }); });