/* * Module : settings.js * Copyright : (c) 2011-2012, Galois, Inc. * * Maintainer : * Stability : Provisional * Portability: Portable * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var fiveui = fiveui || {}; (function() { /** * Create a new instance of the Settings object * * @constructor * @param {!Storage} store The Storage instance to use. */ fiveui.Settings = function(store) { this.store = store; }; _.extend(fiveui.Settings.prototype, { /** * Retrieve an object associated with the key. * * @param {!string} key The key to look up. * @return {?Object} The returned JavaScript object. */ get: function(key) { var value = this.store.getItem(key); if (value == null) { return null; } else { return JSON.parse(value); } }, /** * Store an object with the given key. * * @param {string} key the key. * @param {Object} value the value. * @return {void} */ set: function(key, value) { this.store.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)); }, /** * @param {string} key The local storage entry to remove. * @return {void} */ remove: function(key) { this.store.removeItem(key); }, /** * @param {!number} id The nuber of the element to retrieve. * @param {!string} listName The name of the portion of the localstorage hierarchy to search for id. * @param {!function(number, !Object): *} fromJSON A deserialization function. * * @return {*} Either null, or the result of fromJSON. */ getById: function(id, listName, fromJSON) { var obj = this.get(listName + '.' + id); if (!obj) { return null; } return fromJSON(id, obj); }, /** * @param {!number} id The nuber of the element to retrieve. * @param {!string} listName The name of the portion of the * localstorage hierarchy to search for id. */ remById: function(id, listName) { // remove it from the list of ids: var ids = this.get(listName) || []; for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) { if (ids[i] == id) { ids.splice(i, 1); this.set(listName, ids); this.remove(listName + '.' + id); break; } } }, /** General Config **********************************************************/ /** * Set the display default. * * @param {!boolean} def Whether or not to display the FiveUI Window * when problems are reported. */ setDisplayDefault: function(def) { this.set('displayDefault', def); }, /** * Get the display default. * * @return {!boolean} true to show the window as soon as problems are * reported, false otherwise. */ getDisplayDefault: function() { var def = this.get('displayDefault'); // double negation to normalize funny things like null return !!def; }, /** Rule Sets ***************************************************************/ /** * Retrieve the list of rule set ids. * * @return {!Array.} An ordered list of the configured rule sets. */ getRuleSetIds: function() { return (/** @type {!Array.} */ this.get('ruleSet')) || []; }, /** * Retrieve all rule set ids. */ getRuleSets:function() { return _.map(this.getRuleSetIds(), _.bind(this.getRuleSet, this)); }, /** * @param {!Object} ruleSet The new rule set, as an anonymous JSON object. * @return {!fiveui.RuleSet} The id of the new rule set. */ addRuleSet: function(ruleSet) { var ids = this.getRuleSetIds(); var id = fiveui.utils.getNewId(ids); this.updateRuleSet(id, ruleSet); ids.push(id); this.set('ruleSet', ids); return id; }, /** * Change a rule set without generating a new id. * * @param {!number} ruleSetId The id of the ruleset that is being modified. * @param {!Object} ruleSet The rule set, as an anonymous JSON object. */ updateRuleSet: function(ruleSetId, ruleSet) { var newRS = fiveui.RuleSet.fromJSON(ruleSetId, ruleSet); this.set('ruleSet.'+ruleSetId, newRS); }, /** * @param {!number} id The id of the RuleSet to retrieve. * @return {?fiveui.RuleSet} The RuleSet, or null, if no RuleSet was found. */ getRuleSet: function(id) { return this.getById(id, 'ruleSet', fiveui.RuleSet.fromJSON); }, /** * @param {!number} id The id of the rule set to remove. */ remRuleSet: function(id) { this.remById(id, 'ruleSet'); }, /** URL Pattern Management **************************************************/ /** * Test a url agains the rule set database. Return the first rule set that * matches, or null if none do. */ checkUrl: function(url) { return _.find(this.getRuleSets(), function(rs) { var pat = _.find(rs.patterns, function(pat) { var regex = fiveui.utils.compilePattern(pat); return regex.test(url); }); return pat != null; }); }, }); /** * @param {!fiveui.Chan} chan * @param {!fiveui.Settings} settings * @return {void} */ fiveui.Settings.manager = function(chan, settings) { var msg = new fiveui.Messenger(chan); // create a new rule set, and call the response continuation with the created // object. msg.register('addRuleSet', function(ruleSet,respond){ var id = settings.addRuleSet(ruleSet) respond(settings.getRuleSet(id)); }); // update a rule set, and call the response continuation with the updated // object. msg.register('updateRuleSet', function(updatedRS,respond){ settings.updateRuleSet(updatedRS.id, updatedRS); respond(settings.getRuleSet(updatedRS.id)); }); // remove a rule set by id. the response continuation is called with no // argument. msg.register('remRuleSet', function(ruleSetId, respond) { settings.remRuleSet(ruleSetId); respond(); }); // Retrieve the manifest, and return the object to the caller. Invokes the // response continuation with an error object when rule set fails to load. msg.register('loadRuleSet', function(url, respond) { fiveui.RuleSet.load(url, { success:respond, error:function(msg) { respond({ error : msg }); }, }); }); // get a rule set structure by id. invoke the respond continuation with the // rule set, if it exists, and null if it does not. msg.register('getRuleSet', function(ruleSetId, respond){ respond(settings.getRuleSet(ruleSetId)); }); // Retrieve the list of all rule sets. invoke the respond continuation with // the list of rule sets. msg.register('getRuleSets', function(unused, respond) { respond(settings.getRuleSets()); }); // sets the value of the 'display default' config option. invokes the respond // callback with no argument. msg.register('setDisplayDefault', function(def, respond) { settings.setDisplayDefault(def); respond(); }); // get the value of the 'display default' config option. invokes the respond // callback with the value. msg.register('getDisplayDefault', function(ignored, respond) { respond(settings.getDisplayDefault()); }); }; })();