/* * Module : injected/fiveui-injected-ui.js * Copyright : (c) 2011-2012, Galois, Inc. * * Maintainer : * Stability : Provisional * Portability: Portable * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function(){ /** * Storage namespace for in-browser logic */ var core = {}; core.port = obtainPort(); /* User Interface **********************************************************/ core.UI = function() { this._initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(core.UI, { /** * Template for the UI dialog */ uiTemplate:_.template( [ '
' , '
' , ' FiveUI
' , '
' , '
' , '
' , '
' , '
' , '
' , '
' , '
' ].join('')), /** * Template for the stats panel of the UI dialog. */ statsTemplate:_.template( [ '' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , '
rules checked:<%= numRules %>
elements checked:<%= numElts %>
elapsed time (ms):<%= time %>
' ].join('')), }); _.extend(core.UI.prototype, { /** * Create the UI, and attach all event handlers. * @private */ _initialize:function(opts) { // apply options var optNames = [ 'port' ]; _.defaults(this, _.pick(opts, optNames)); this.$el = $(core.UI.uiTemplate()); this.$problems = this.$el.find('.fiveui-problems'); this.$stats = this.$el.find('.fiveui-stats'); this._setupButtons(); this._setupDragDrop(); // force the resize event this.height = 0; this._pollResize(); this._registerBackendListeners(); // initially, keep the window hidden this.$el.hide(); }, /** * Setup the functionality of the close button on the ui * @private */ _setupButtons:function() { var close = this.$el.find('.fiveui-close'); close.on('click.fiveui', _.bind(this.hide, this)); var clear = this.$el.find('.fiveui-clear'); clear.on('click.fiveui', _.bind(this.clearProblems, this)); // note, this only works in chrome var pause = this.$el.find('.fiveui-break'); pause.on('click.fiveui', function() { debugger; }); }, /** * Setup the drag and drop functionality for the problems window. * @private */ _setupDragDrop:function() { var self = this; var header = this.$el.find('.fiveui-titlebar'); var offset = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // update the location of the ui var mouseMove = function(e) { self.$el.css({ left: e.originalEvent.clientX + offset.x, top: e.originalEvent.clientY + offset.y, }); }; var cancel = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }; // both of these will cause funny things to happen with the text of the title // bar. header.on('dragstart', cancel); header.on('selectstart', cancel); // figure out how far the cursor is from the top-left of the ui header.on('mousedown.fiveui', function(e) { // prevent the close button from being used as a drag handle if(e.target != header[0]) { return false; } var pos = self.$el.position(); offset.x = pos.left - e.originalEvent.clientX; offset.y = pos.top - e.originalEvent.clientY; $(window).on('mousemove.fiveui', mouseMove); header.one('mouseup.fiveui', function() { $(window).off('mousemove.fiveui', mouseMove); // deliver the new position to teh backend self.port.emit('Position', self.$el.position()); }); }); }, _pollResize:function() { var height = this.$el.height(); if(height != this.height) { console.log('changing height'); this.height = height; var ppos = this.$problems.position(); var spos = this.$stats.position(); this.$problems.height(spos.top - ppos.top) // notify the backend about the new height this.port.emit('Size', { width: this.$el.width(), height: this.$el.height() }); } setTimeout(_.bind(this._pollResize, this), 100); }, /** * Setup listeners to the backend. */ _registerBackendListeners:function() { var self = this; this.port.on('ShowUI', function(unused) { self.show(); }); this.port.on('ShowProblem', _.bind(this.addProblem, this)); this.port.on('ShowStats', _.bind(this.renderStats, this)); // initialize/create the ui, set its position and size this.port.on('RestoreUI', function(state) { // set the position and size self.$el.css({ 'top': state.winState.y, 'left': state.winState.x, 'width': state.winState.width + 'px', 'height': state.winState.height + 'px' }); // optionally show the window if(!state.winState.closed) { self.show(); } // add all problems _.each(state.problems, _.bind(self.addProblem, self)); // render stats self.renderStats(state.stats); }); }, /** * Clear the problems list * @public */ clearProblems:function() { this.$el.find('.fiveui-problems').children().remove(); this.port.emit('ClearProblems'); }, /** * Add an entry in the problems list. * @public */ addProblem:function(problem) { var p = new core.Problem(problem); p.appendTo(this.$el.find('.fiveui-problems')); }, /** * Attach the UI to a jquery selector. * @public */ appendTo:function(el) { el.append(this.$el); }, /** * Hide the UI * @public */ hide:function() { this.$el.hide(); this.port.emit('CloseUI'); }, /** * Show the UI * @public */ show:function() { this.$el.show(); }, /** * Render statistics */ renderStats:function(stats) { stats = stats || {}; _.defaults(stats, { numRules: 0, numElts: 0, start: 0, end: 0, }); stats.time = stats.end - stats.start; this.$stats.html(core.UI.statsTemplate(stats)); }, }); /** * Entries in the problem list. */ core.Problem = function() { this._initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; _.extend(core.Problem, { /** * Template for entries in the problems list */ problemTemplate:_.template( [ '
' , '
' , '
' , ' <%= name %>' , '
' , '
' , '

<%= msg %>

' , '

<%= xpath %>

' , '
' , '
' ].join('')), }); _.extend(core.Problem.prototype, { _initialize:function(problem) { this.problem = problem; this.$el = $(core.Problem.problemTemplate(problem)); this.$toggle = this.$el.find('.fiveui-problem-toggle'); this.$body = this.$el.find('.fiveui-problem-body'); this.$header = this.$el.find('.fiveui-problem-header'); this.$body.hide(); this.close(); }, appendTo:function(el) { el.append(this.$el); }, /** * Close the context for a problem entry. * @public */ close:function() { this.$toggle.find('span').removeClass('icon-caret-down') .addClass('icon-caret-right'); this.$el.one('click', _.bind(this.open, this)); this.$body.slideUp(100); }, open:function() { this.$toggle.find('span').addClass('icon-caret-down') .removeClass('icon-caret-right'); this.$el.one('click', _.bind(this.close, this)); this.$body.slideDown(100); }, }); core.lockDepth = 0; core.lockMask = function() { core.lockDepth = core.lockDepth + 1; if(core.lockDepth == 1) { core.port.emit('MaskRules', null); } }; core.unlockMask = function() { core.lockDepth = core.lockDepth - 1; if(core.lockDepth == 0) { core.port.emit('UnmaskRules', null); } }; /** * Due to the lack of a confirmation continuation with the port api, this * function runs a continuation after 10ms of delivering the MaskRules * message, then waits another 10ms before delivering the UnmaskRules * message. The two delays seem to give a better chance that the * continuation runs within the masked context. */ core.maskRules = function(body) { core.lockMask(); setTimeout(function() { body(); setTimeout(function() { core.unlockMask(); }, 10); }, 10); }; core.highlighted = {}; core.highlightProblem = function(prob) { var obj = core.highlighted[prob.hash]; if(obj) { // increment the number of times this has been highlighted obj.highlighted = obj.highlighted + 1; } else { // add the rule to the list of highlighted elements, and change its style // to look obvious. var elt = core.query('.' + prob.hash); var oldStyle = elt.attr('style'); core.maskRules(function() { elt.attr('style', 'background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.3); background-image: none;'); elt.addClass('uic-problem'); }); // record the element for the future core.highlighted[prob.hash] = { highlighted: 1, oldStyle: oldStyle, } } }; core.maskProblem = function(prob) { var obj = core.highlighted[prob.hash]; if(obj) { obj.highlighted = obj.highlighted - 1; if(obj.highlighted == 0) { var elt = core.query('.' + prob.hash); // remove the fiveui style core.maskRules(function() { if (_.isEmpty(obj.oldStyle)) { elt.removeAttr('style'); } else { elt.attr('style', obj.oldStyle); } elt.removeClass('uic-problem'); }); delete core.highlighted[prob.hash]; } } }; core.renderStats = function (stats) { // give stats some sane defaults. core.maskRules(function () { var statsDiv, statsDetail; statsDiv = $('#fiveui-stats'); statsDiv.children().remove(); stats.time = stats.end - stats.start; statsDiv.html(core.renderStatsTemplate(stats)); }); }; core.win = new core.UI({ port: core.port }); core.win.appendTo($('body')); })();