/* * Module : injected/jquery-plugins.js * Copyright : (c) 2011-2012, Galois, Inc. * * Maintainer : * Stability : Provisional * Portability: Portable * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * This module provides several useful jQuery plugins related to checking and reporting * UI consistency issues. * * @namespace */ fiveui.jquery = fiveui.jquery || {}; /** * Wrapper for the :contains('text') selector * * @param {!String} text Text to select for * @returns {!Object} A modified jQuery object */ fiveui.jquery.hasText = function (text) { return this.filter(":contains('" + text + "')"); }; /** * Color checker plugin: filters for elements whose CSS color property is * not in the given set. * * @description Note: This is a special case of fiveui.jquery.cssIsNot, i.e. * $(..).notColorSet(set) == $(..).cssIsNot("color", set, fiveui.color.colorToHex) * @see {fiveui.color.colorToHex} * * @param {String[]} cset A set of allowable color strings * @returns {!Object} A modified jQuery object */ fiveui.jquery.notColorSet = function (cset) { var allowable = {}; for (var i = 0; i < cset.length; i += 1) { allowable[cset[i]] = true; } // array -> object return this.filter(function (index) { var color = fiveui.color.colorToHex($(this).css("color")); // .css("color") returns rgb(...) return !(color in allowable); }); } /** * General CSS propetry checker plugin * * @description This plugin filters for elements whose CSS property `prop` is not a member * of the given array `cset`. The values checked are transformed using the * optional given function `fn`. This may be used to normalize values that the * browser returns so they can be compared to values in `cset`. * * @param {String} prop CSS property selector * @param {String|String[]} set allowable values (either a string or an array of strings) * @param {function(String):String} [fn] Function to apply to return values of $(this).css(prop), fn defaults to the identity function. * @returns {Object} jQuery object */ fiveui.jquery.cssIsNot = function (prop, set, fn) { var allowable = {}; fn = fn || function (x) { return x; }; // default is Id if (typeof set === "string") { allowable[fn(set)] = true; } else { // assume `set` is an array of strings for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i += 1) { allowable[fn(set[i])] = true; } // array -> object } return this.filter(function (index) { var cssProp = fn($(this).css(prop)); return !(cssProp in allowable); }); } /** * Filter out elements that do not contain the attribute * href=`href`. * * @param {String} href the href to look for * @returns {Object} jQuery object */ fiveui.jquery.linksTo = function (href) { return this.filter(function (index) { var addr = $(this).attr("href"); return (addr == href); }); } /** * Visually highlight elements in the jQuery object. * * @description This plugin is useful mostly in the process of writing * guidelines, for example the guideline developer can load a page, * click the "Break" button on the FiveUI window, enter the browser's * Javascript console, and run: * * @example > $5("p").hasText("foo").highlight(); * * @param {String} [hint] Highlighted border color, defaults to "red" * @returns {!Object} A modified jQuery object */ fiveui.jquery.highlight = function (hint) { hint = hint || "red"; // Default is "red" return this.css("background-color", "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)") .css("border-style", "solid") .css("border-color", hint); } /** * Returns a list of css properties that element in the jQuery * object have. * * @description This plugin is useful for analysis of a given page when * writing guielines. For example if the guideline developer wants to * know what font sizes are used on a loaded page, they can run from the * Javascript console: * * @example > $5("*").propDist("font-size", true); * * @param {String} prop CSS property to be inspected * @param {boolean} [log] Boolean which enables console logging of the result; default is `false`. * @returns {Object} A frequence map { "property": frequency } */ fiveui.jquery.propDist = function (prop, log) { var res = {}; log = log || false; this.each(function (i, elt) { var p = $(elt).css(prop); if (p in res) { res[p] += 1; } else { res[p] = 1; } }); if (log) { console.log("Property distribution:"); for (var p in res) { console.log(" " + p + ": " + res[p]); } } return res; } /** * Register the plugins. This adds methods to the jQuery.fn namespace. */ fiveui.jquery.init = function () { for (fn in fiveui.jquery) { f = fiveui.jquery[fn]; if (jQuery.isFunction(f) && fn != "init") { jQuery.fn[fn] = fiveui.jquery[fn]; } } } fiveui.jquery.init();