exports.name = "There should only be one blank line between paragraphs"; exports.description = "Between sections - as between sections - there should be only a single blank line."; exports.rule = function(report) { var problemPs = []; $5('p:has(> br)').each(function(i, p) { var $p = $(p), prevP; if ($.trim($p.text()).length === 0) { prevP = $p.prevUntil(':not(p)').filter(function(i, pp) { return $.trim($(pp).text()).length > 0; }).first(); if (prevP.length) { problemPs.push(prevP.get(0)); } else { report.error('Paragraph contains line breaks but does not contain text.', p); } } }); _.uniq(problemPs, false).forEach(function(p) { var text = $.trim($(p).text()); report.error('Paragraph is followed by more than one blank line: '+ text, p); }); };