exports.name = "Do not separate list items with blank lines"; exports.description = "Leaving blank lines between list items causes mediawiki to end one list and to start a new one."; exports.rule = function(report) { $5('ol:has(> li:only-of-type) + ol:has(> li:only-of-type)').each(reportWarning); $5('ul:has(> li:only-of-type) + ul:has(> li:only-of-type)').each(reportWarning); $5('dl:has(> dt:only-of-type):has(> dd:only-of-type) + '+ 'dl:has(> dt:only-of-type):has(> dd:only-of-type)').each(reportWarning); function reportWarning(i, list) { var text = $.trim($(list).text()); report.warning('List with a single item: '+ text, list); } };