/*! * jsPOS * * Copyright 2010, Percy Wegmann * Licensed under the LGPLv3 license * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html * * Enhanced by Toby Rahilly to use a compressed lexicon format as of version 0.2. */ function POSTagger(){ this.lexicon = POSTAGGER_LEXICON; this.tagsMap = LEXICON_TAG_MAP; } /** * Indicates whether or not this string starts with the specified string. * @param {Object} string */ String.prototype.startsWith = function(string){ if (!string) return false; return this.indexOf(string) == 0; } /** * Indicates whether or not this string ends with the specified string. * @param {Object} string */ String.prototype.endsWith = function(string){ if (!string || string.length > this.length) return false; return this.indexOf(string) == this.length - string.length; } POSTagger.prototype.wordInLexicon = function(word){ var ss = this.lexicon[word]; if (ss != null) return true; // 1/22/2002 mod (from Lisp code): if not in hash, try lower case: if (!ss) ss = this.lexicon[word.toLowerCase()]; if (ss) return true; return false; } POSTagger.prototype.tag = function(words){ var ret = new Array(words.length); for (var i = 0, size = words.length; i < size; i++) { var ss = this.lexicon[words[i]]; // 1/22/2002 mod (from Lisp code): if not in hash, try lower case: if (!ss) ss = this.lexicon[words[i].toLowerCase()]; if (!ss && words[i].length == 1) ret[i] = words[i] + "^"; if (!ss) ret[i] = "NN"; else ret[i] = this.tagsMap[ss][0]; } /** * Apply transformational rules **/ for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { word = ret[i]; // rule 1: DT, {VBD | VBP} --> DT, NN if (i > 0 && ret[i - 1] == "DT") { if (word == "VBD" || word == "VBP" || word == "VB") { ret[i] = "NN"; } } // rule 2: convert a noun to a number (CD) if "." appears in the word if (word.startsWith("N")) { if (words[i].indexOf(".") > -1) { ret[i] = "CD"; } // Attempt to convert into a number if (parseFloat(words[i])) ret[i] = "CD"; } // rule 3: convert a noun to a past participle if words[i] ends with "ed" if (ret[i].startsWith("N") && words[i].endsWith("ed")) ret[i] = "VBN"; // rule 4: convert any type to adverb if it ends in "ly"; if (words[i].endsWith("ly")) ret[i] = "RB"; // rule 5: convert a common noun (NN or NNS) to a adjective if it ends with "al" if (ret[i].startsWith("NN") && word.endsWith("al")) ret[i] = i, "JJ"; // rule 6: convert a noun to a verb if the preceding work is "would" if (i > 0 && ret[i].startsWith("NN") && words[i - 1].toLowerCase() == "would") ret[i] = "VB"; // rule 7: if a word has been categorized as a common noun and it ends with "s", // then set its type to plural common noun (NNS) if (ret[i] == "NN" && words[i].endsWith("s")) ret[i] = "NNS"; // rule 8: convert a common noun to a present participle verb (i.e., a gerund) if (ret[i].startsWith("NN") && words[i].endsWith("ing")) ret[i] = "VBG"; } var result = new Array(); for (i in words) { result[i] = [words[i], ret[i]]; } return result; } POSTagger.prototype.prettyPrint = function(taggedWords) { for (i in taggedWords) { print(taggedWords[i][0] + "(" + taggedWords[i][1] + ")"); } } //print(new POSTagger().tag(["i", "went", "to", "the", "store", "to", "buy", "5.2", "gallons", "of", "milk"]));