// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Component for generating chart PNGs using Google Chart Server. * * @see ../demos/serverchart.html */ /** * Namespace for chart functions */ goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart'); goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart.AxisDisplayType'); goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType'); goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType'); goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart.Event'); goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart.LegendPosition'); goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart.MaximumValue'); goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart.MultiAxisAlignment'); goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart.MultiAxisType'); goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam'); goog.provide('goog.ui.ServerChart.UriTooLongEvent'); goog.require('goog.Uri'); goog.require('goog.array'); goog.require('goog.asserts'); goog.require('goog.events.Event'); goog.require('goog.string'); goog.require('goog.ui.Component'); /** * Will construct a chart using Google's chartserver. * * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType} type The chart type. * @param {number=} opt_width The width of the chart. * @param {number=} opt_height The height of the chart. * @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper Optional DOM Helper. * @param {string=} opt_uri Optional uri used to connect to the chart server, if * different than goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_SERVER_SCHEME_INDEPENDENT_URI. * @constructor * @extends {goog.ui.Component} */ goog.ui.ServerChart = function(type, opt_width, opt_height, opt_domHelper, opt_uri) { goog.ui.Component.call(this, opt_domHelper); /** * Image URI. * @type {goog.Uri} * @private */ this.uri_ = new goog.Uri( opt_uri || goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_SERVER_SCHEME_INDEPENDENT_URI); /** * Encoding method for the URI data format. * @type {goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType} * @private */ this.encodingType_ = goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType.AUTOMATIC; /** * Two-dimensional array of the data sets on the chart. * @type {Array.>} * @private */ this.dataSets_ = []; /** * Colors for each data set. * @type {Array.} * @private */ this.setColors_ = []; /** * Legend texts for each data set. * @type {Array.} * @private */ this.setLegendTexts_ = []; /** * Labels on the X-axis. * @type {Array.} * @private */ this.xLabels_ = []; /** * Labels on the left along the Y-axis. * @type {Array.} * @private */ this.leftLabels_ = []; /** * Labels on the right along the Y-axis. * @type {Array.} * @private */ this.rightLabels_ = []; /** * Axis type for each multi-axis in the chart. The indices into this array * also work as the reference index for all other multi-axis properties. * @type {Array.} * @private */ this.multiAxisType_ = []; /** * Axis text for each multi-axis in the chart, indexed by the indices from * multiAxisType_ in a sparse array. * @type {Object} * @private */ this.multiAxisLabelText_ = {}; /** * Axis position for each multi-axis in the chart, indexed by the indices * from multiAxisType_ in a sparse array. * @type {Object} * @private */ this.multiAxisLabelPosition_ = {}; /** * Axis range for each multi-axis in the chart, indexed by the indices from * multiAxisType_ in a sparse array. * @type {Object} * @private */ this.multiAxisRange_ = {}; /** * Axis style for each multi-axis in the chart, indexed by the indices from * multiAxisType_ in a sparse array. * @type {Object} * @private */ this.multiAxisLabelStyle_ = {}; this.setType(type); this.setSize(opt_width, opt_height); /** * Minimum value for the chart (used for normalization). By default, * this is set to infinity, and is eventually updated to the lowest given * value in the data. The minimum value is then subtracted from all other * values. For a pie chart, subtracting the minimum value does not make * sense, so minValue_ is set to zero because 0 is the additive identity. * @type {number} * @private */ this.minValue_ = this.isPieChart() ? 0 : Infinity; }; goog.inherits(goog.ui.ServerChart, goog.ui.Component); /** * Base scheme-independent URI for the chart renderer. * @type {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_SERVER_SCHEME_INDEPENDENT_URI = '//chart.googleapis.com/chart'; /** * Base HTTP URI for the chart renderer. * @type {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_SERVER_HTTP_URI = 'http://chart.googleapis.com/chart'; /** * Base HTTPS URI for the chart renderer. * @type {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_SERVER_HTTPS_URI = 'https://chart.googleapis.com/chart'; /** * Base URI for the chart renderer. * @type {string} * @deprecated Use * {@link goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_SERVER_SCHEME_INDEPENDENT_URI}, * {@link goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_SERVER_HTTP_URI} or * {@link goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_SERVER_HTTPS_URI} instead. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_SERVER_URI = goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_SERVER_HTTP_URI; /** * The 0 - 1.0 ("fraction of the range") value to use when getMinValue() == * getMaxValue(). This determines, for example, the vertical position * of the line in a flat line-chart. * @type {number} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.DEFAULT_NORMALIZATION = 0.5; /** * The upper limit on the length of the chart image URI, after encoding. * If the URI's length equals or exceeds it, goog.ui.ServerChart.UriTooLongEvent * is dispatched on the goog.ui.ServerChart object. * @type {number} * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.uriLengthLimit_ = 2048; /** * Number of gridlines along the X-axis. * @type {number} * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.gridX_ = 0; /** * Number of gridlines along the Y-axis. * @type {number} * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.gridY_ = 0; /** * Maximum value for the chart (used for normalization). The minimum is * declared in the constructor. * @type {number} * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.maxValue_ = -Infinity; /** * Chart title. * @type {?string} * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.title_ = null; /** * Chart title size. * @type {number} * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.titleSize_ = 13.5; /** * Chart title color. * @type {string} * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.titleColor_ = '333333'; /** * Chart legend. * @type {Array.?} * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.legend_ = null; /** * ChartServer supports using data sets to position markers. A data set * that is being used for positioning only can be made "invisible", in other * words, the caller can indicate to ChartServer that ordinary chart elements * (e.g. bars in a bar chart) should not be drawn on the data points of the * invisible data set. Such data sets must be provided at the end of the * chd parameter, and if invisible data sets are being used, the chd * parameter must indicate the number of visible data sets. * @type {?number} * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.numVisibleDataSets_ = null; /** * Creates the DOM node (image) needed for the Chart */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.createDom = function() { var size = this.getSize(); this.setElementInternal(this.getDomHelper().createDom( 'img', {'src': this.getUri(), 'class': goog.getCssName('goog-serverchart-image'), 'width': size[0], 'height': size[1]})); }; /** * Decorate an image already in the DOM. * Expects the following structure: *
 *   - img
* * @param {Element} img Image to decorate. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.decorateInternal = function(img) { img.src = this.getUri(); this.setElementInternal(img); }; /** * Updates the image if any of the data or settings have changed. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.updateChart = function() { if (this.getElement()) { this.getElement().src = this.getUri(); } }; /** * Sets the URI of the chart. * * @param {goog.Uri} uri The chart URI. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setUri = function(uri) { this.uri_ = uri; }; /** * Returns the URI of the chart. * * @return {goog.Uri} The chart URI. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getUri = function() { this.computeDataString_(); return this.uri_; }; /** * Returns the upper limit on the length of the chart image URI, after encoding. * If the URI's length equals or exceeds it, goog.ui.ServerChart.UriTooLongEvent * is dispatched on the goog.ui.ServerChart object. * * @return {number} The chart URI length limit. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getUriLengthLimit = function() { return this.uriLengthLimit_; }; /** * Sets the upper limit on the length of the chart image URI, after encoding. * If the URI's length equals or exceeds it, goog.ui.ServerChart.UriTooLongEvent * is dispatched on the goog.ui.ServerChart object. * * @param {number} uriLengthLimit The chart URI length limit. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setUriLengthLimit = function(uriLengthLimit) { this.uriLengthLimit_ = uriLengthLimit; }; /** * Sets the 'chg' parameter of the chart Uri. * This is used by various types of charts to specify Grids. * * @param {string} value Value for the 'chg' parameter in the chart Uri. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setGridParameter = function(value) { this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.GRID, value); }; /** * Returns the 'chg' parameter of the chart Uri. * This is used by various types of charts to specify Grids. * * @return {string|undefined} The 'chg' parameter of the chart Uri. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getGridParameter = function() { return /** @type {string} */ ( this.uri_.getParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.GRID)); }; /** * Sets the 'chm' parameter of the chart Uri. * This is used by various types of charts to specify Markers. * * @param {string} value Value for the 'chm' parameter in the chart Uri. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setMarkerParameter = function(value) { this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.MARKERS, value); }; /** * Returns the 'chm' parameter of the chart Uri. * This is used by various types of charts to specify Markers. * * @return {string|undefined} The 'chm' parameter of the chart Uri. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getMarkerParameter = function() { return /** @type {string} */ ( this.uri_.getParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.MARKERS)); }; /** * Sets the 'chp' parameter of the chart Uri. * This is used by various types of charts to specify certain options. * e.g., finance charts use this to designate which line is the 0 axis. * * @param {string|number} value Value for the 'chp' parameter in the chart Uri. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setMiscParameter = function(value) { this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.MISC_PARAMS, String(value)); }; /** * Returns the 'chp' parameter of the chart Uri. * This is used by various types of charts to specify certain options. * e.g., finance charts use this to designate which line is the 0 axis. * * @return {string|undefined} The 'chp' parameter of the chart Uri. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getMiscParameter = function() { return /** @type {string} */ ( this.uri_.getParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.MISC_PARAMS)); }; /** * Enum of chart data encoding types * * @enum {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType = { AUTOMATIC: '', EXTENDED: 'e', SIMPLE: 's', TEXT: 't' }; /** * Enum of chart types with their short names used by the chartserver. * * @enum {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType = { BAR: 'br', CLOCK: 'cf', CONCENTRIC_PIE: 'pc', FILLEDLINE: 'lr', FINANCE: 'lfi', GOOGLEOMETER: 'gom', HORIZONTAL_GROUPED_BAR: 'bhg', HORIZONTAL_STACKED_BAR: 'bhs', LINE: 'lc', MAP: 't', MAPUSA: 'tuss', MAPWORLD: 'twoc', PIE: 'p', PIE3D: 'p3', RADAR: 'rs', SCATTER: 's', SPARKLINE: 'ls', VENN: 'v', VERTICAL_GROUPED_BAR: 'bvg', VERTICAL_STACKED_BAR: 'bvs', XYLINE: 'lxy' }; /** * Enum of multi-axis types. * * @enum {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.MultiAxisType = { X_AXIS: 'x', LEFT_Y_AXIS: 'y', RIGHT_Y_AXIS: 'r', TOP_AXIS: 't' }; /** * Enum of multi-axis alignments. * * @enum {number} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.MultiAxisAlignment = { ALIGN_LEFT: -1, ALIGN_CENTER: 0, ALIGN_RIGHT: 1 }; /** * Enum of legend positions. * * @enum {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.LegendPosition = { TOP: 't', BOTTOM: 'b', LEFT: 'l', RIGHT: 'r' }; /** * Enum of line and tick options for an axis. * * @enum {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.AxisDisplayType = { LINE_AND_TICKS: 'lt', LINE: 'l', TICKS: 't' }; /** * Enum of chart maximum values in pixels, as listed at: * http://code.google.com/apis/chart/basics.html * * @enum {number} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.MaximumValue = { WIDTH: 1000, HEIGHT: 1000, MAP_WIDTH: 440, MAP_HEIGHT: 220, TOTAL_AREA: 300000 }; /** * Enum of ChartServer URI parameters. * * @enum {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam = { BACKGROUND_FILL: 'chf', BAR_HEIGHT: 'chbh', DATA: 'chd', DATA_COLORS: 'chco', DATA_LABELS: 'chld', DATA_SCALING: 'chds', DIGITAL_SIGNATURE: 'sig', GEOGRAPHICAL_REGION: 'chtm', GRID: 'chg', LABEL_COLORS: 'chlc', LEFT_Y_LABELS: 'chly', LEGEND: 'chdl', LEGEND_POSITION: 'chdlp', LEGEND_TEXTS: 'chdl', LINE_STYLES: 'chls', MARGINS: 'chma', MARKERS: 'chm', MISC_PARAMS: 'chp', MULTI_AXIS_LABEL_POSITION: 'chxp', MULTI_AXIS_LABEL_TEXT: 'chxl', MULTI_AXIS_RANGE: 'chxr', MULTI_AXIS_STYLE: 'chxs', MULTI_AXIS_TYPES: 'chxt', RIGHT_LABELS: 'chlr', RIGHT_LABEL_POSITIONS: 'chlrp', SIZE: 'chs', TITLE: 'chtt', TITLE_FORMAT: 'chts', TYPE: 'cht', X_AXIS_STYLE: 'chx', X_LABELS: 'chl' }; /** * Sets the background fill. * * @param {Array.} fill An array of background fill specification * objects. Each object may have the following properties: * {string} area The area to fill, either 'bg' for background or 'c' for * chart area. The default is 'bg'. * {string} color (required) The color of the background fill. * // TODO(user): Add support for gradient/stripes, which requires * // a different object structure. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setBackgroundFill = function(fill) { var value = []; goog.array.forEach(fill, function(spec) { spec.area = spec.area || 'bg'; spec.effect = spec.effect || 's'; value.push([spec.area, spec.effect, spec.color].join(',')); }); value = value.join('|'); this.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.BACKGROUND_FILL, value); }; /** * Returns the background fill. * * @return {Array.} An array of background fill specifications. * If the fill specification string is in an unsupported format, the method * returns an empty array. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getBackgroundFill = function() { var value = this.uri_.getParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.BACKGROUND_FILL); var result = []; if (goog.isDefAndNotNull(value)) { var fillSpecifications = value.split('|'); var valid = true; goog.array.forEach(fillSpecifications, function(spec) { spec = spec.split(','); if (valid && spec[1] == 's') { result.push({area: spec[0], effect: spec[1], color: spec[2]}); } else { // If the format is unsupported, return an empty array. result = []; valid = false; } }); } return result; }; /** * Sets the encoding type. * * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType} type Desired data encoding type. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setEncodingType = function(type) { this.encodingType_ = type; }; /** * Gets the encoding type. * * @return {goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType} The encoding type. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getEncodingType = function() { return this.encodingType_; }; /** * Sets the chart type. * * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType} type The desired chart type. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setType = function(type) { this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.TYPE, type); }; /** * Returns the chart type. * * @return {goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType} The chart type. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getType = function() { return /** @type {goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType} */ ( this.uri_.getParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.TYPE)); }; /** * Sets the chart size. * * @param {number=} opt_width Optional chart width, defaults to 300. * @param {number=} opt_height Optional chart height, defaults to 150. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setSize = function(opt_width, opt_height) { var sizeString = [opt_width || 300, opt_height || 150].join('x'); this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.SIZE, sizeString); }; /** * Returns the chart size. * * @return {Array.} [Width, Height]. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getSize = function() { var sizeStr = this.uri_.getParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.SIZE); return sizeStr.split('x'); }; /** * Sets the minimum value of the chart. * * @param {number} minValue The minimum value of the chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setMinValue = function(minValue) { this.minValue_ = minValue; }; /** * @return {number} The minimum value of the chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getMinValue = function() { return this.minValue_; }; /** * Sets the maximum value of the chart. * * @param {number} maxValue The maximum value of the chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setMaxValue = function(maxValue) { this.maxValue_ = maxValue; }; /** * @return {number} The maximum value of the chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getMaxValue = function() { return this.maxValue_; }; /** * Sets the chart margins. * * @param {number} leftMargin The size in pixels of the left margin. * @param {number} rightMargin The size in pixels of the right margin. * @param {number} topMargin The size in pixels of the top margin. * @param {number} bottomMargin The size in pixels of the bottom margin. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setMargins = function(leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin) { var margins = [leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin].join(','); var UriParam = goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam; this.uri_.setParameterValue(UriParam.MARGINS, margins); }; /** * Sets the number of grid lines along the X-axis. * * @param {number} gridlines The number of X-axis grid lines. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setGridX = function(gridlines) { // Need data for this to work. this.gridX_ = gridlines; this.setGrids_(this.gridX_, this.gridY_); }; /** * @return {number} The number of gridlines along the X-axis. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getGridX = function() { return this.gridX_; }; /** * Sets the number of grid lines along the Y-axis. * * @param {number} gridlines The number of Y-axis grid lines. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setGridY = function(gridlines) { // Need data for this to work. this.gridY_ = gridlines; this.setGrids_(this.gridX_, this.gridY_); }; /** * @return {number} The number of gridlines along the Y-axis. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getGridY = function() { return this.gridY_; }; /** * Sets the grids for the chart * * @private * @param {number} x The number of grid lines along the x-axis. * @param {number} y The number of grid lines along the y-axis. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setGrids_ = function(x, y) { var gridArray = [x == 0 ? 0 : 100 / x, y == 0 ? 0 : 100 / y]; this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.GRID, gridArray.join(',')); }; /** * Sets the X Labels for the chart. * * @param {Array.} labels The X Labels for the chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setXLabels = function(labels) { this.xLabels_ = labels; this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.X_LABELS, this.xLabels_.join('|')); }; /** * @return {Array.} The X Labels for the chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getXLabels = function() { return this.xLabels_; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the chart is a bar chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.isBarChart = function() { var type = this.getType(); return type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.BAR || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.HORIZONTAL_GROUPED_BAR || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.HORIZONTAL_STACKED_BAR || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.VERTICAL_GROUPED_BAR || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.VERTICAL_STACKED_BAR; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the chart is a pie chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.isPieChart = function() { var type = this.getType(); return type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.PIE || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.PIE3D || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.CONCENTRIC_PIE; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the chart is a grouped bar chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.isGroupedBarChart = function() { var type = this.getType(); return type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.HORIZONTAL_GROUPED_BAR || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.VERTICAL_GROUPED_BAR; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the chart is a horizontal bar chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.isHorizontalBarChart = function() { var type = this.getType(); return type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.BAR || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.HORIZONTAL_GROUPED_BAR || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.HORIZONTAL_STACKED_BAR; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the chart is a line chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.isLineChart = function() { var type = this.getType(); return type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.FILLEDLINE || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.LINE || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.SPARKLINE || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.XYLINE; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the chart is a map. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.isMap = function() { var type = this.getType(); return type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.MAP || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.MAPUSA || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.MAPWORLD; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the chart is a stacked bar chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.isStackedBarChart = function() { var type = this.getType(); return type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.BAR || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.HORIZONTAL_STACKED_BAR || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.VERTICAL_STACKED_BAR; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the chart is a vertical bar chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.isVerticalBarChart = function() { var type = this.getType(); return type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.VERTICAL_GROUPED_BAR || type == goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.VERTICAL_STACKED_BAR; }; /** * Sets the Left Labels for the chart. * NOTE: The array should start with the lowest value, and then * move progessively up the axis. So if you want labels * from 0 to 100 with 0 at bottom of the graph, then you would * want to pass something like [0,25,50,75,100]. * * @param {Array.} labels The Left Labels for the chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setLeftLabels = function(labels) { this.leftLabels_ = labels; this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.LEFT_Y_LABELS, this.leftLabels_.reverse().join('|')); }; /** * @return {Array.} The Left Labels for the chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getLeftLabels = function() { return this.leftLabels_; }; /** * Sets the given ChartServer parameter. * * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam} key The ChartServer parameter to set. * @param {string} value The value to set for the ChartServer parameter. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setParameterValue = function(key, value) { this.uri_.setParameterValue(key, value); }; /** * Removes the given ChartServer parameter. * * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam} key The ChartServer parameter to * remove. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.removeParameter = function(key) { this.uri_.removeParameter(key); }; /** * Sets the Right Labels for the chart. * NOTE: The array should start with the lowest value, and then * move progessively up the axis. So if you want labels * from 0 to 100 with 0 at bottom of the graph, then you would * want to pass something like [0,25,50,75,100]. * * @param {Array.} labels The Right Labels for the chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setRightLabels = function(labels) { this.rightLabels_ = labels; this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.RIGHT_LABELS, this.rightLabels_.reverse().join('|')); }; /** * @return {Array.} The Right Labels for the chart. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getRightLabels = function() { return this.rightLabels_; }; /** * Sets the position relative to the chart where the legend is to be displayed. * * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.LegendPosition} value Legend position. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setLegendPosition = function(value) { this.uri_.setParameterValue( goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.LEGEND_POSITION, value); }; /** * Returns the position relative to the chart where the legend is to be * displayed. * * @return {goog.ui.ServerChart.LegendPosition} Legend position. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getLegendPosition = function() { return /** @type {goog.ui.ServerChart.LegendPosition} */ ( this.uri_.getParameterValue( goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.LEGEND_POSITION)); }; /** * Sets the number of "visible" data sets. All data sets that come after * the visible data set are not drawn as part of the chart. Instead, they * are available for positioning markers. * @param {?number} n The number of visible data sets, or null if all data * sets are to be visible. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setNumVisibleDataSets = function(n) { this.numVisibleDataSets_ = n; }; /** * Returns the number of "visible" data sets. All data sets that come after * the visible data set are not drawn as part of the chart. Instead, they * are available for positioning markers. * * @return {?number} The number of visible data sets, or null if all data * sets are visible. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getNumVisibleDataSets = function() { return this.numVisibleDataSets_; }; /** * Sets the weight function for a Venn Diagram along with the associated * colors and legend text. Weights are assigned as follows: * weights[0] is relative area of circle A. * weights[1] is relative area of circle B. * weights[2] is relative area of circle C. * weights[3] is relative area of overlap of circles A and B. * weights[4] is relative area of overlap of circles A and C. * weights[5] is relative area of overlap of circles B and C. * weights[6] is relative area of overlap of circles A, B and C. * For a two circle Venn Diagram the weights are assigned as follows: * weights[0] is relative area of circle A. * weights[1] is relative area of circle B. * weights[2] is relative area of overlap of circles A and B. * * @param {Array.} weights The relative weights of the circles. * @param {Array.=} opt_legendText The legend labels for the circles. * @param {Array.=} opt_colors The colors for the circles. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setVennSeries = function( weights, opt_legendText, opt_colors) { if (this.getType() != goog.ui.ServerChart.ChartType.VENN) { throw Error('Can only set a weight function for a Venn diagram.'); } var dataMin = this.arrayMin_(weights); if (dataMin < this.minValue_) { this.minValue_ = dataMin; } var dataMax = this.arrayMax_(weights); if (dataMax > this.maxValue_) { this.maxValue_ = dataMax; } if (goog.isDef(opt_legendText)) { goog.array.forEach( opt_legendText, goog.bind(function(legend) { this.setLegendTexts_.push(legend); }, this)); this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.LEGEND_TEXTS, this.setLegendTexts_.join('|')); } // If the caller only gave three weights, then they wanted a two circle // Venn Diagram. Create a 3 circle weight function where circle C has // area zero. if (weights.length == 3) { weights[3] = weights[2]; weights[2] = 0.0; } this.dataSets_.push(weights); if (goog.isDef(opt_colors)) { goog.array.forEach(opt_colors, goog.bind(function(color) { this.setColors_.push(color); }, this)); this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.DATA_COLORS, this.setColors_.join(',')); } }; /** * Sets the title of the chart. * * @param {string} title The chart title. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setTitle = function(title) { this.title_ = title; this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.TITLE, this.title_.replace(/\n/g, '|')); }; /** * Sets the size of the chart title. * * @param {number} size The title size, in points. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setTitleSize = function(size) { this.titleSize_ = size; this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.TITLE_FORMAT, this.titleColor_ + ',' + this.titleSize_); }; /** * @return {number} size The title size, in points. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getTitleSize = function() { return this.titleSize_; }; /** * Sets the color of the chart title. * * NOTE: The color string should NOT have a '#' at the beginning of it. * * @param {string} color The hex value for the title color. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setTitleColor = function(color) { this.titleColor_ = color; this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.TITLE_FORMAT, this.titleColor_ + ',' + this.titleSize_); }; /** * @return {string} color The hex value for the title color. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getTitleColor = function() { return this.titleColor_; }; /** * Adds a legend to the chart. * * @param {Array.} legend The legend to add. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setLegend = function(legend) { this.legend_ = legend; this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.LEGEND, this.legend_.join('|')); }; /** * Sets the data scaling. * NOTE: This also changes the encoding type because data scaling will * only work with {@code goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType.TEXT} * encoding. * @param {number} minimum The lowest number to apply to the data. * @param {number} maximum The highest number to apply to the data. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setDataScaling = function(minimum, maximum) { this.encodingType_ = goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType.TEXT; this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.DATA_SCALING, minimum + ',' + maximum); }; /** * Sets the widths of the bars and the spaces between the bars in a bar * chart. * NOTE: If the space between groups is specified but the space between * bars is left undefined, the space between groups will be interpreted * as the space between bars because this is the behavior exposed * in the external developers guide. * @param {number} barWidth The width of a bar in pixels. * @param {number=} opt_spaceBars The width of the space between * bars in a group in pixels. * @param {number=} opt_spaceGroups The width of the space between * groups. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setBarSpaceWidths = function(barWidth, opt_spaceBars, opt_spaceGroups) { var widths = [barWidth]; if (goog.isDef(opt_spaceBars)) { widths.push(opt_spaceBars); } if (goog.isDef(opt_spaceGroups)) { widths.push(opt_spaceGroups); } this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.BAR_HEIGHT, widths.join(',')); }; /** * Specifies that the bar width in a bar chart should be calculated * automatically given the space available in the chart, while optionally * setting the spaces between the bars. * NOTE: If the space between groups is specified but the space between * bars is left undefined, the space between groups will be interpreted * as the space between bars because this is the behavior exposed * in the external developers guide. * @param {number=} opt_spaceBars The width of the space between * bars in a group in pixels. * @param {number=} opt_spaceGroups The width of the space between * groups. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setAutomaticBarWidth = function(opt_spaceBars, opt_spaceGroups) { var widths = ['a']; if (goog.isDef(opt_spaceBars)) { widths.push(opt_spaceBars); } if (goog.isDef(opt_spaceGroups)) { widths.push(opt_spaceGroups); } this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.BAR_HEIGHT, widths.join(',')); }; /** * Adds a multi-axis to the chart, and sets its type. Multiple axes of the same * type can be added. * * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.MultiAxisType} axisType The desired axis type. * @return {number} The index of the newly inserted axis, suitable for feeding * to the setMultiAxis*() functions. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.addMultiAxis = function(axisType) { this.multiAxisType_.push(axisType); this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.MULTI_AXIS_TYPES, this.multiAxisType_.join(',')); return this.multiAxisType_.length - 1; }; /** * Returns the axis type for the given axis, or all of them in an array if the * axis number is not given. * * @param {number=} opt_axisNumber The axis index, as returned by addMultiAxis. * @return {goog.ui.ServerChart.MultiAxisType| * Array.} * The axis type for the given axis, or all of them in an array if the * axis number is not given. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getMultiAxisType = function(opt_axisNumber) { if (goog.isDef(opt_axisNumber)) { return this.multiAxisType_[opt_axisNumber]; } return this.multiAxisType_; }; /** * Sets the label text (usually multiple values) for a given axis, overwriting * any existing values. * * @param {number} axisNumber The axis index, as returned by addMultiAxis. * @param {Array.} labelText The actual label text to be added. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setMultiAxisLabelText = function(axisNumber, labelText) { this.multiAxisLabelText_[axisNumber] = labelText; var axisString = this.computeMultiAxisDataString_(this.multiAxisLabelText_, ':|', '|', '|'); this.uri_.setParameterValue( goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.MULTI_AXIS_LABEL_TEXT, axisString); }; /** * Returns the label text, or all of them in a two-dimensional array if the * axis number is not given. * * @param {number=} opt_axisNumber The axis index, as returned by addMultiAxis. * @return {Object|Array.} The label text, or all of them in a * two-dimensional array if the axis number is not given. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getMultiAxisLabelText = function(opt_axisNumber) { if (goog.isDef(opt_axisNumber)) { return this.multiAxisLabelText_[opt_axisNumber]; } return this.multiAxisLabelText_; }; /** * Sets the label positions for a given axis, overwriting any existing values. * The label positions are assumed to be floating-point numbers within the * range of the axis. * * @param {number} axisNumber The axis index, as returned by addMultiAxis. * @param {Array.} labelPosition The actual label positions to be added. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setMultiAxisLabelPosition = function( axisNumber, labelPosition) { this.multiAxisLabelPosition_[axisNumber] = labelPosition; var positionString = this.computeMultiAxisDataString_( this.multiAxisLabelPosition_, ',', ',', '|'); this.uri_.setParameterValue( goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.MULTI_AXIS_LABEL_POSITION, positionString); }; /** * Returns the label positions for a given axis number, or all of them in a * two-dimensional array if the axis number is not given. * * @param {number=} opt_axisNumber The axis index, as returned by addMultiAxis. * @return {Object|Array.} The label positions for a given axis number, * or all of them in a two-dimensional array if the axis number is not * given. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getMultiAxisLabelPosition = function(opt_axisNumber) { if (goog.isDef(opt_axisNumber)) { return this.multiAxisLabelPosition_[opt_axisNumber]; } return this.multiAxisLabelPosition_; }; /** * Sets the label range for a given axis, overwriting any existing range. * The default range is from 0 to 100. If the start value is larger than the * end value, the axis direction is reversed. rangeStart and rangeEnd must * be two different finite numbers. * * @param {number} axisNumber The axis index, as returned by addMultiAxis. * @param {number} rangeStart The new start of the range. * @param {number} rangeEnd The new end of the range. * @param {number=} opt_interval The interval between axis labels. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setMultiAxisRange = function(axisNumber, rangeStart, rangeEnd, opt_interval) { goog.asserts.assert(rangeStart != rangeEnd, 'Range start and end cannot be the same value.'); goog.asserts.assert(isFinite(rangeStart) && isFinite(rangeEnd), 'Range start and end must be finite numbers.'); this.multiAxisRange_[axisNumber] = [rangeStart, rangeEnd]; if (goog.isDef(opt_interval)) { this.multiAxisRange_[axisNumber].push(opt_interval); } var rangeString = this.computeMultiAxisDataString_(this.multiAxisRange_, ',', ',', '|'); this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.MULTI_AXIS_RANGE, rangeString); }; /** * Returns the label range for a given axis number as a two-element array of * (range start, range end), or all of them in a two-dimensional array if the * axis number is not given. * * @param {number=} opt_axisNumber The axis index, as returned by addMultiAxis. * @return {Object|Array.} The label range for a given axis number as a * two-element array of (range start, range end), or all of them in a * two-dimensional array if the axis number is not given. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getMultiAxisRange = function(opt_axisNumber) { if (goog.isDef(opt_axisNumber)) { return this.multiAxisRange_[opt_axisNumber]; } return this.multiAxisRange_; }; /** * Sets the label style for a given axis, overwriting any existing style. * The default style is as follows: Default is x-axis labels are centered, left * hand y-axis labels are right aligned, right hand y-axis labels are left * aligned. The font size and alignment are optional parameters. * * NOTE: The color string should NOT have a '#' at the beginning of it. * * @param {number} axisNumber The axis index, as returned by addMultiAxis. * @param {string} color The hex value for this label's color. * @param {number=} opt_fontSize The label font size, in pixels. * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.MultiAxisAlignment=} opt_alignment The label * alignment. * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.AxisDisplayType=} opt_axisDisplay The axis * line and ticks. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.setMultiAxisLabelStyle = function(axisNumber, color, opt_fontSize, opt_alignment, opt_axisDisplay) { var style = [color]; if (goog.isDef(opt_fontSize) || goog.isDef(opt_alignment)) { style.push(opt_fontSize || ''); } if (goog.isDef(opt_alignment)) { style.push(opt_alignment); } if (opt_axisDisplay) { style.push(opt_axisDisplay); } this.multiAxisLabelStyle_[axisNumber] = style; var styleString = this.computeMultiAxisDataString_(this.multiAxisLabelStyle_, ',', ',', '|'); this.uri_.setParameterValue( goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.MULTI_AXIS_STYLE, styleString); }; /** * Returns the label style for a given axis number as a one- to three-element * array, or all of them in a two-dimensional array if the axis number is not * given. * * @param {number=} opt_axisNumber The axis index, as returned by addMultiAxis. * @return {Object|Array.} The label style for a given axis number as a * one- to three-element array, or all of them in a two-dimensional array if * the axis number is not given. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getMultiAxisLabelStyle = function(opt_axisNumber) { if (goog.isDef(opt_axisNumber)) { return this.multiAxisLabelStyle_[opt_axisNumber]; } return this.multiAxisLabelStyle_; }; /** * Adds a data set. * NOTE: The color string should NOT have a '#' at the beginning of it. * * @param {Array.} data An array of numbers (values can be * NaN or null). * @param {string} color The hex value for this data set's color. * @param {string=} opt_legendText The legend text, if any, for this data * series. NOTE: If specified, all previously added data sets must also * have a legend text. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.addDataSet = function(data, color, opt_legendText) { var dataMin = this.arrayMin_(data); if (dataMin < this.minValue_) { this.minValue_ = dataMin; } var dataMax = this.arrayMax_(data); if (dataMax > this.maxValue_) { this.maxValue_ = dataMax; } if (goog.isDef(opt_legendText)) { if (this.setLegendTexts_.length < this.dataSets_.length) { throw Error('Cannot start adding legends text after first element.'); } this.setLegendTexts_.push(opt_legendText); this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.LEGEND_TEXTS, this.setLegendTexts_.join('|')); } this.dataSets_.push(data); this.setColors_.push(color); this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.DATA_COLORS, this.setColors_.join(',')); }; /** * Clears the data sets from the graph. All data, including the colors and * legend text, is cleared. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.clearDataSets = function() { var queryData = this.uri_.getQueryData(); queryData.remove(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.LEGEND_TEXTS); queryData.remove(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.DATA_COLORS); queryData.remove(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.DATA); this.setLegendTexts_.length = 0; this.setColors_.length = 0; this.dataSets_.length = 0; }; /** * Returns the given data set or all of them in a two-dimensional array if * the set number is not given. * * @param {number=} opt_setNumber Optional data set number to get. * @return {Array} The given data set or all of them in a two-dimensional array * if the set number is not given. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getData = function(opt_setNumber) { if (goog.isDef(opt_setNumber)) { return this.dataSets_[opt_setNumber]; } return this.dataSets_; }; /** * Computes the data string using the data in this.dataSets_ and sets * the object's URI accordingly. If the URI's length equals or exceeds the * limit, goog.ui.ServerChart.UriTooLongEvent is dispatched on the * goog.ui.ServerChart object. * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.computeDataString_ = function() { var ok; if (this.encodingType_ != goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType.AUTOMATIC) { ok = this.computeDataStringForEncoding_(this.encodingType_); } else { ok = this.computeDataStringForEncoding_( goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType.EXTENDED); if (!ok) { ok = this.computeDataStringForEncoding_( goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType.SIMPLE); } } if (!ok) { this.dispatchEvent( new goog.ui.ServerChart.UriTooLongEvent(this.uri_.toString())); } }; /** * Computes the data string using the data in this.dataSets_ and the encoding * specified by the encoding parameter, which must not be AUTOMATIC, and sets * the object's URI accordingly. * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType} encoding The data encoding to use; * must not be AUTOMATIC. * @return {boolean} False if the resulting URI is too long. * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.computeDataStringForEncoding_ = function( encoding) { var dataStrings = []; for (var i = 0, setLen = this.dataSets_.length; i < setLen; ++i) { dataStrings[i] = this.getChartServerValues_(this.dataSets_[i], this.minValue_, this.maxValue_, encoding); } var delimiter = encoding == goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType.TEXT ? '|' : ','; dataStrings = dataStrings.join(delimiter); var data; if (this.numVisibleDataSets_ == null) { data = goog.string.buildString(encoding, ':', dataStrings); } else { data = goog.string.buildString(encoding, this.numVisibleDataSets_, ':', dataStrings); } this.uri_.setParameterValue(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriParam.DATA, data); return this.uri_.toString().length < this.uriLengthLimit_; }; /** * Computes a multi-axis data string from the given data and separators. The * general data format for each index/element in the array will be * "", with * axisSeparator used between multiple elements. * @param {Object} data The data to compute the data string for, as a * sparse array of arrays. NOTE: The function uses the length of * multiAxisType_ to determine the upper bound for the outer array. * @param {string} indexSeparator The separator string inserted between each * index and the data itself, commonly a comma (,). * @param {string} elementSeparator The separator string inserted between each * element inside each sub-array in the data, if there are more than one; * commonly a comma (,). * @param {string} axisSeparator The separator string inserted between each * axis specification, if there are more than one; usually a pipe sign (|). * @return {string} The multi-axis data string. * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.computeMultiAxisDataString_ = function( data, indexSeparator, elementSeparator, axisSeparator) { var elementStrings = []; for (var i = 0, setLen = this.multiAxisType_.length; i < setLen; ++i) { if (data[i]) { elementStrings.push(i + indexSeparator + data[i].join(elementSeparator)); } } return elementStrings.join(axisSeparator); }; /** * Array of possible ChartServer data values * @type {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_VALUES = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + '0123456789'; /** * Array of extended ChartServer data values * @type {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_VALUES_EXTENDED = goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_VALUES + '-.'; /** * Upper bound for extended values */ goog.ui.ServerChart.EXTENDED_UPPER_BOUND = Math.pow(goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_VALUES_EXTENDED.length, 2) - 1; /** * Converts a single number to an encoded data value suitable for ChartServer. * The TEXT encoding is the number in decimal; the SIMPLE encoding is a single * character, and the EXTENDED encoding is two characters. See * http://code.google.com/apis/chart/docs/data_formats.html for the detailed * specification of these encoding formats. * * @private * @param {?number} value The value to convert (null for a missing data point). * @param {number} minValue The minimum value (used for normalization). * @param {number} maxValue The maximum value (used for normalization). * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType} encoding The data encoding to use; * must not be AUTOMATIC. * @return {string} The encoded data value. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getConvertedValue_ = function(value, minValue, maxValue, encoding) { goog.asserts.assert(minValue <= maxValue, 'minValue should be less than or equal to maxValue'); var isExtended = (encoding == goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType.EXTENDED); if (goog.isNull(value) || !goog.isDef(value) || isNaN(value) || value < minValue || value > maxValue) { return isExtended ? '__' : '_'; } if (encoding == goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType.TEXT) { return String(value); } var frac = goog.ui.ServerChart.DEFAULT_NORMALIZATION; if (maxValue > minValue) { frac = (value - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue); // Previous checks of value ensure that 0 <= frac <= 1 at this point. } if (isExtended) { var maxIndex = goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_VALUES_EXTENDED.length; var upperBound = goog.ui.ServerChart.EXTENDED_UPPER_BOUND; var index1 = Math.floor(frac * upperBound / maxIndex); var index2 = Math.floor((frac * upperBound) % maxIndex); var extendedVals = goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_VALUES_EXTENDED; return extendedVals.charAt(index1) + extendedVals.charAt(index2); } var index = Math.round(frac * (goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_VALUES.length - 1)); return goog.ui.ServerChart.CHART_VALUES.charAt(index); }; /** * Creates the chd string for chartserver. * * @private * @param {Array.} values An array of numbers to graph. * @param {number} minValue The minimum value (used for normalization). * @param {number} maxValue The maximum value (used for normalization). * @param {goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType} encoding The data encoding to use; * must not be AUTOMATIC. * @return {string} The chd string for chartserver. */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.getChartServerValues_ = function(values, minValue, maxValue, encoding) { var s = []; for (var i = 0, valuesLen = values.length; i < valuesLen; ++i) { s.push(this.getConvertedValue_(values[i], minValue, maxValue, encoding)); } return s.join( this.encodingType_ == goog.ui.ServerChart.EncodingType.TEXT ? ',' : ''); }; /** * Finds the minimum value in an array and returns it. * Needed because Math.min does not handle sparse arrays the way we want. * * @param {Array.} ary An array of values. * @return {number} The minimum value. * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.arrayMin_ = function(ary) { var min = Infinity; for (var i = 0, aryLen = ary.length; i < aryLen; ++i) { var value = ary[i]; if (value != null && value < min) { min = value; } } return min; }; /** * Finds the maximum value in an array and returns it. * Needed because Math.max does not handle sparse arrays the way we want. * * @param {Array.} ary An array of values. * @return {number} The maximum value. * @private */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.arrayMax_ = function(ary) { var max = -Infinity; for (var i = 0, aryLen = ary.length; i < aryLen; ++i) { var value = ary[i]; if (value != null && value > max) { max = value; } } return max; }; /** @override */ goog.ui.ServerChart.prototype.disposeInternal = function() { goog.ui.ServerChart.superClass_.disposeInternal.call(this); delete this.xLabels_; delete this.leftLabels_; delete this.rightLabels_; delete this.gridX_; delete this.gridY_; delete this.setColors_; delete this.setLegendTexts_; delete this.dataSets_; this.uri_ = null; delete this.minValue_; delete this.maxValue_; this.title_ = null; delete this.multiAxisType_; delete this.multiAxisLabelText_; delete this.multiAxisLabelPosition_; delete this.multiAxisRange_; delete this.multiAxisLabelStyle_; this.legend_ = null; }; /** * Event types dispatched by the ServerChart object * @enum {string} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.Event = { /** * Dispatched when the resulting URI reaches or exceeds the URI length limit. */ URI_TOO_LONG: 'uritoolong' }; /** * Class for the event dispatched on the ServerChart when the resulting URI * exceeds the URI length limit. * @constructor * @param {string} uri The overly-long URI string. * @extends {goog.events.Event} */ goog.ui.ServerChart.UriTooLongEvent = function(uri) { goog.events.Event.call(this, goog.ui.ServerChart.Event.URI_TOO_LONG); /** * The overly-long URI string. * @type {string} */ this.uri = uri; }; goog.inherits(goog.ui.ServerChart.UriTooLongEvent, goog.events.Event);