// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview TrogEdit plugin to handle enter keys by inserting the * specified block level tag. * */ goog.provide('goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.dom.NodeType'); goog.require('goog.dom.Range'); goog.require('goog.dom.TagName'); goog.require('goog.editor.Command'); goog.require('goog.editor.node'); goog.require('goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler'); goog.require('goog.editor.range'); goog.require('goog.editor.style'); goog.require('goog.events.KeyCodes'); goog.require('goog.string'); goog.require('goog.style'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); /** * Plugin to handle enter keys. This subclass normalizes all browsers to use * the given block tag on enter. * @param {goog.dom.TagName} tag The type of tag to add on enter. * @constructor * @extends {goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler} */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler = function(tag) { this.tag = tag; goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.call(this); }; goog.inherits(goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler, goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler); /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.getTrogClassId = function() { return 'TagOnEnterHandler'; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.getNonCollapsingBlankHtml = function() { if (this.tag == goog.dom.TagName.P) { return '


'; } else if (this.tag == goog.dom.TagName.DIV) { return '

'; } return '
'; }; /** * This plugin is active on uneditable fields so it can provide a value for * queryCommandValue calls asking for goog.editor.Command.BLOCKQUOTE. * @return {boolean} True. */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.activeOnUneditableFields = goog.functions.TRUE; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.isSupportedCommand = function( command) { return command == goog.editor.Command.DEFAULT_TAG; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.queryCommandValue = function( command) { return command == goog.editor.Command.DEFAULT_TAG ? this.tag : null; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.handleBackspaceInternal = function(e, range) { goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.superClass_.handleBackspaceInternal. call(this, e, range); if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) { this.markBrToNotBeRemoved_(range, true); } }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.processParagraphTagsInternal = function(e, split) { if ((goog.userAgent.OPERA || goog.userAgent.IE) && this.tag != goog.dom.TagName.P) { this.ensureBlockIeOpera(this.tag); } }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.handleDeleteGecko = function( e) { var range = this.fieldObject.getRange(); var container = goog.editor.style.getContainer( range && range.getContainerElement()); if (this.fieldObject.getElement().lastChild == container && goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isBrElem(container)) { // Don't delete if it's the last node in the field and just has a BR. e.preventDefault(); // TODO(user): I think we probably don't need to stopPropagation here e.stopPropagation(); } else { // Go ahead with deletion. // Prevent an existing BR immediately following the selection being deleted // from being removed in the keyup stage (as opposed to a BR added by FF // after deletion, which we do remove). this.markBrToNotBeRemoved_(range, false); // Manually delete the selection if it's at a BR. this.deleteBrGecko(e); } }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.handleKeyUpInternal = function( e) { if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) { if (e.keyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.DELETE) { this.removeBrIfNecessary_(false); } else if (e.keyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.BACKSPACE) { this.removeBrIfNecessary_(true); } } else if ((goog.userAgent.IE || goog.userAgent.OPERA) && e.keyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER) { this.ensureBlockIeOpera(this.tag, true); } // Safari uses DIVs by default. }; /** * String that matches a single BR tag or NBSP surrounded by non-breaking * whitespace * @type {string} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.BrOrNbspSurroundedWithWhiteSpace_ = '[\t\n\r ]*(]*\/?>| )[\t\n\r ]*'; /** * String that matches a single BR tag or NBSP surrounded by non-breaking * whitespace * @type {RegExp} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.emptyLiRegExp_ = new RegExp('^' + goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.BrOrNbspSurroundedWithWhiteSpace_ + '$'); /** * Ensures the current node is wrapped in the tag. * @param {Node} node The node to ensure gets wrapped. * @param {Element} container Element containing the selection. * @return {Element} Element containing the selection, after the wrapping. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.ensureNodeIsWrappedW3c_ = function(node, container) { if (container == this.fieldObject.getElement()) { // If the first block-level ancestor of cursor is the field, // don't split the tree. Find all the text from the cursor // to both block-level elements surrounding it (if they exist) // and split the text into two elements. // This is the IE contentEditable behavior. // The easy way to do this is to wrap all the text in an element // and then split the element as if the user had hit enter // in the paragraph // However, simply wrapping the text into an element creates problems // if the text was already wrapped using some other element such as an // anchor. For example, wrapping the text of // Text // would produce //


// which is not what we want. What we really want is //


// So we need to search for an ancestor of position.node to be wrapped. // We do this by iterating up the hierarchy of postiion.node until we've // reached the node that's just under the container. var isChildOfFn = function(child) { return container == child.parentNode; }; var nodeToWrap = goog.dom.getAncestor(node, isChildOfFn, true); container = goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.wrapInContainerW3c_( this.tag, {node: nodeToWrap, offset: 0}, container); } return container; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.handleEnterWebkitInternal = function(e) { if (this.tag == goog.dom.TagName.DIV) { var range = this.fieldObject.getRange(); var container = goog.editor.style.getContainer(range.getContainerElement()); var position = goog.editor.range.getDeepEndPoint(range, true); container = this.ensureNodeIsWrappedW3c_(position.node, container); goog.dom.Range.createCaret(position.node, position.offset).select(); } }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype. handleEnterAtCursorGeckoInternal = function(e, wasCollapsed, range) { // We use this because there are a few cases where FF default // implementation doesn't follow IE's: // -Inserts BRs into empty elements instead of NBSP which has nasty // side effects w/ making/deleting selections // -Hitting enter when your cursor is in the field itself. IE will // create two elements. FF just inserts a BR. // -Hitting enter inside an empty list-item doesn't create a block // tag. It just splits the list and puts your cursor in the middle. var li = null; if (wasCollapsed) { // Only break out of lists for collapsed selections. li = goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass( range && range.getContainerElement(), goog.dom.TagName.LI); } var isEmptyLi = (li && li.innerHTML.match( goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.emptyLiRegExp_)); var elementAfterCursor = isEmptyLi ? this.breakOutOfEmptyListItemGecko_(li) : this.handleRegularEnterGecko_(); // Move the cursor in front of "nodeAfterCursor", and make sure it // is visible this.scrollCursorIntoViewGecko_(elementAfterCursor); // Fix for http://b/1991234 : if (goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isBrElem(elementAfterCursor)) { // The first element in the new line is a line with just a BR and maybe some // whitespace. var br = elementAfterCursor.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.BR)[0]; if (br.previousSibling && br.previousSibling.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) { // If there is some whitespace before the BR, don't put the selection on // the BR, put it in the text node that's there, otherwise when you type // it will create adjacent text nodes. elementAfterCursor = br.previousSibling; } } goog.editor.range.selectNodeStart(elementAfterCursor); e.preventDefault(); // TODO(user): I think we probably don't need to stopPropagation here e.stopPropagation(); }; /** * If The cursor is in an empty LI then break out of the list like in IE * @param {Node} li LI to break out of. * @return {Element} Element to put the cursor after. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.breakOutOfEmptyListItemGecko_ = function(li) { // Do this as follows: // 1. // 2. // 3.


// 4.


// // There are a couple caveats to the above. If the UL is contained in // a list, then the new node inserted is an LI, not a P. // For an OL, it's all the same, except the tagname of course. // Finally, it's possible that with the LI at the beginning or the end // of the list that we'll end up with an empty list. So we special case // those cases. var listNode = li.parentNode; var grandparent = listNode.parentNode; var inSubList = grandparent.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.OL || grandparent.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.UL; // TODO(robbyw): Should we apply the list or list item styles to the new node? var newNode = goog.dom.getDomHelper(li).createElement( inSubList ? goog.dom.TagName.LI : this.tag); if (!li.previousSibling) { goog.dom.insertSiblingBefore(newNode, listNode); } else { if (li.nextSibling) { var listClone = listNode.cloneNode(false); while (li.nextSibling) { listClone.appendChild(li.nextSibling); } goog.dom.insertSiblingAfter(listClone, listNode); } goog.dom.insertSiblingAfter(newNode, listNode); } if (goog.editor.node.isEmpty(listNode)) { goog.dom.removeNode(listNode); } goog.dom.removeNode(li); newNode.innerHTML = ' '; return newNode; }; /** * Wrap the text indicated by "position" in an HTML container of type * "nodeName". * @param {string} nodeName Type of container, e.g. "p" (paragraph). * @param {Object} position The W3C cursor position object * (from getCursorPositionW3c). * @param {Node} container The field containing position. * @return {Element} The container element that holds the contents from * position. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.wrapInContainerW3c_ = function(nodeName, position, container) { var start = position.node; while (start.previousSibling && !goog.editor.style.isContainer(start.previousSibling)) { start = start.previousSibling; } var end = position.node; while (end.nextSibling && !goog.editor.style.isContainer(end.nextSibling)) { end = end.nextSibling; } var para = container.ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName); while (start != end) { var newStart = start.nextSibling; goog.dom.appendChild(para, start); start = newStart; } var nextSibling = end.nextSibling; goog.dom.appendChild(para, end); container.insertBefore(para, nextSibling); return para; }; /** * When we delete an element, FF inserts a BR. We want to strip that * BR after the fact, but in the case where your cursor is at a character * right before a BR and you delete that character, we don't want to * strip it. So we detect this case on keydown and mark the BR as not needing * removal. * @param {goog.dom.AbstractRange} range The closure range object. * @param {boolean} isBackspace Whether this is handling the backspace key. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.markBrToNotBeRemoved_ = function(range, isBackspace) { var focusNode = range.getFocusNode(); var focusOffset = range.getFocusOffset(); var newEndOffset = isBackspace ? focusOffset : focusOffset + 1; if (goog.editor.node.getLength(focusNode) == newEndOffset) { var sibling = focusNode.nextSibling; if (sibling && sibling.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BR) { this.brToKeep_ = sibling; } } }; /** * If we hit delete/backspace to merge elements, FF inserts a BR. * We want to strip that BR. In markBrToNotBeRemoved, we detect if * there was already a BR there before the delete/backspace so that * we don't accidentally remove a user-inserted BR. * @param {boolean} isBackSpace Whether this is handling the backspace key. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.removeBrIfNecessary_ = function( isBackSpace) { var range = this.fieldObject.getRange(); var focusNode = range.getFocusNode(); var focusOffset = range.getFocusOffset(); var sibling; if (isBackSpace && focusNode.data == '') { // nasty hack. sometimes firefox will backspace a paragraph and put // the cursor before the BR. when it does this, the focusNode is // an empty textnode. sibling = focusNode.nextSibling; } else if (isBackSpace && focusOffset == 0) { var node = focusNode; while (node && !node.previousSibling && node.parentNode != this.fieldObject.getElement()) { node = node.parentNode; } sibling = node.previousSibling; } else if (focusNode.length == focusOffset) { sibling = focusNode.nextSibling; } if (!sibling || sibling.tagName != goog.dom.TagName.BR || this.brToKeep_ == sibling) { return; } goog.dom.removeNode(sibling); if (focusNode.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) { // Sometimes firefox inserts extra whitespace. Do our best to deal. // This is buggy though. focusNode.data = goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.trimTabsAndLineBreaks_( focusNode.data); // When we strip whitespace, make sure that our cursor is still at // the end of the textnode. goog.dom.Range.createCaret(focusNode, Math.min(focusOffset, focusNode.length)).select(); } }; /** * Trim the tabs and line breaks from a string. * @param {string} string String to trim. * @return {string} Trimmed string. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.trimTabsAndLineBreaks_ = function( string) { return string.replace(/^[\t\n\r]|[\t\n\r]$/g, ''); }; /** * Called in response to a normal enter keystroke. It has the action of * splitting elements. * @return {Element} The node that the cursor should be before. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.handleRegularEnterGecko_ = function() { var range = this.fieldObject.getRange(); var container = goog.editor.style.getContainer(range.getContainerElement()); var newNode; if (goog.editor.plugins.EnterHandler.isBrElem(container)) { if (container.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BODY) { // If the field contains only a single BR, this code ensures we don't // try to clone the body tag. container = this.ensureNodeIsWrappedW3c_( container.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.BR)[0], container); } newNode = container.cloneNode(true); goog.dom.insertSiblingAfter(newNode, container); } else { if (!container.firstChild) { container.innerHTML = ' '; } var position = goog.editor.range.getDeepEndPoint(range, true); container = this.ensureNodeIsWrappedW3c_(position.node, container); newNode = goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.splitDomAndAppend_( position.node, position.offset, container); // If the left half and right half of the splitted node are anchors then // that means the user pressed enter while the caret was inside // an anchor tag and split it. The left half is the first anchor // found while traversing the right branch of container. The right half // is the first anchor found while traversing the left branch of newNode. var leftAnchor = goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.findAnchorInTraversal_( container); var rightAnchor = goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.findAnchorInTraversal_( newNode, true); if (leftAnchor && rightAnchor && leftAnchor.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.A && rightAnchor.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.A) { // If the original anchor (left anchor) is now empty, that means // the user pressed [Enter] at the beginning of the anchor, // in which case we we // want to replace that anchor with its child nodes // Otherwise, we take the second half of the splitted text and break // it out of the anchor. var anchorToRemove = goog.editor.node.isEmpty(leftAnchor, false) ? leftAnchor : rightAnchor; goog.dom.flattenElement(/** @type {Element} */ (anchorToRemove)); } } return /** @type {Element} */ (newNode); }; /** * Scroll the cursor into view, resulting from splitting the paragraph/adding * a br. It behaves differently than scrollIntoView * @param {Element} element The element immediately following the cursor. Will * be used to determine how to scroll in order to make the cursor visible. * CANNOT be a BR, as they do not have offsetHeight/offsetTop. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.prototype.scrollCursorIntoViewGecko_ = function(element) { if (!this.fieldObject.isFixedHeight()) { return; // Only need to scroll fixed height fields. } var field = this.fieldObject.getElement(); // Get the y position of the element we want to scroll to var elementY = goog.style.getPageOffsetTop(element); // Determine the height of that element, since we want the bottom of the // element to be in view. var bottomOfNode = elementY + element.offsetHeight; var dom = this.getFieldDomHelper(); var win = this.getFieldDomHelper().getWindow(); var scrollY = dom.getDocumentScroll().y; var viewportHeight = goog.dom.getViewportSize(win).height; // If the botom of the element is outside the viewport, move it into view if (bottomOfNode > viewportHeight + scrollY) { // In standards mode, use the html element and not the body if (field.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BODY && goog.editor.node.isStandardsMode(field)) { field = field.parentNode; } field.scrollTop = bottomOfNode - viewportHeight; } }; /** * Splits the DOM tree around the given node and returns the node * containing the second half of the tree. The first half of the tree * is modified, but not removed from the DOM. * @param {Node} positionNode Node to split at. * @param {number} positionOffset Offset into positionNode to split at. If * positionNode is a text node, this offset is an offset in to the text * content of that node. Otherwise, positionOffset is an offset in to * the childNodes array. All elements with child index of positionOffset * or greater will be moved to the second half. If positionNode is an * empty element, the dom will be split at that element, with positionNode * ending up in the second half. positionOffset must be 0 in this case. * @param {Node=} opt_root Node at which to stop splitting the dom (the root * is also split). * @return {Node} The node containing the second half of the tree. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.splitDom_ = function( positionNode, positionOffset, opt_root) { if (!opt_root) opt_root = positionNode.ownerDocument.body; // Split the node. var textSplit = positionNode.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT; var secondHalfOfSplitNode; if (textSplit) { if (goog.userAgent.IE && positionOffset == positionNode.nodeValue.length) { // Since splitText fails in IE at the end of a node, we split it manually. secondHalfOfSplitNode = goog.dom.getDomHelper(positionNode). createTextNode(''); goog.dom.insertSiblingAfter(secondHalfOfSplitNode, positionNode); } else { secondHalfOfSplitNode = positionNode.splitText(positionOffset); } } else { // Here we ensure positionNode is the last node in the first half of the // resulting tree. if (positionOffset) { // Use offset as an index in to childNodes. positionNode = positionNode.childNodes[positionOffset - 1]; } else { // In this case, positionNode would be the last node in the first half // of the tree, but we actually want to move it to the second half. // Therefore we set secondHalfOfSplitNode to the same node. positionNode = secondHalfOfSplitNode = positionNode.firstChild || positionNode; } } // Create second half of the tree. var secondHalf = goog.editor.node.splitDomTreeAt( positionNode, secondHalfOfSplitNode, opt_root); if (textSplit) { // Join secondHalfOfSplitNode and its right text siblings together and // then replace leading NonNbspWhiteSpace with a Nbsp. If // secondHalfOfSplitNode has a right sibling that isn't a text node, // then we can leave secondHalfOfSplitNode empty. secondHalfOfSplitNode = goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.joinTextNodes_( secondHalfOfSplitNode, true); goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.replaceWhiteSpaceWithNbsp_( secondHalfOfSplitNode, true, !!secondHalfOfSplitNode.nextSibling); // Join positionNode and its left text siblings together and then replace // trailing NonNbspWhiteSpace with a Nbsp. var firstHalf = goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.joinTextNodes_( positionNode, false); goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.replaceWhiteSpaceWithNbsp_( firstHalf, false, false); } return secondHalf; }; /** * Splits the DOM tree around the given node and returns the node containing * second half of the tree, which is appended after the old node. The first * half of the tree is modified, but not removed from the DOM. * @param {Node} positionNode Node to split at. * @param {number} positionOffset Offset into positionNode to split at. If * positionNode is a text node, this offset is an offset in to the text * content of that node. Otherwise, positionOffset is an offset in to * the childNodes array. All elements with child index of positionOffset * or greater will be moved to the second half. If positionNode is an * empty element, the dom will be split at that element, with positionNode * ending up in the second half. positionOffset must be 0 in this case. * @param {Node} node Node to split. * @return {Node} The node containing the second half of the tree. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.splitDomAndAppend_ = function( positionNode, positionOffset, node) { var newNode = goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.splitDom_( positionNode, positionOffset, node); goog.dom.insertSiblingAfter(newNode, node); return newNode; }; /** * Joins node and its adjacent text nodes together. * @param {Node} node The node to start joining. * @param {boolean} moveForward Determines whether to join left siblings (false) * or right siblings (true). * @return {Node} The joined text node. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.joinTextNodes_ = function(node, moveForward) { if (node && node.nodeName == '#text') { var nextNodeFn = moveForward ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling'; var prevNodeFn = moveForward ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling'; var nodeValues = [node.nodeValue]; while (node[nextNodeFn] && node[nextNodeFn].nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) { node = node[nextNodeFn]; nodeValues.push(node.nodeValue); goog.dom.removeNode(node[prevNodeFn]); } if (!moveForward) { nodeValues.reverse(); } node.nodeValue = nodeValues.join(''); } return node; }; /** * Replaces leading or trailing spaces of a text node to a single Nbsp. * @param {Node} textNode The text node to search and replace white spaces. * @param {boolean} fromStart Set to true to replace leading spaces, false to * replace trailing spaces. * @param {boolean} isLeaveEmpty Set to true to leave the node empty if the * text node was empty in the first place, otherwise put a Nbsp into the * text node. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.replaceWhiteSpaceWithNbsp_ = function( textNode, fromStart, isLeaveEmpty) { var regExp = fromStart ? / ^[\t\r\n]+/ : /[ \t\r\n]+$/; textNode.nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue.replace(regExp, goog.string.Unicode.NBSP); if (!isLeaveEmpty && textNode.nodeValue == '') { textNode.nodeValue = goog.string.Unicode.NBSP; } }; /** * Finds the first A element in a traversal from the input node. The input * node itself is not included in the search. * @param {Node} node The node to start searching from. * @param {boolean=} opt_useFirstChild Whether to traverse along the first child * (true) or last child (false). * @return {Node} The first anchor node found in the search, or null if none * was found. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.TagOnEnterHandler.findAnchorInTraversal_ = function(node, opt_useFirstChild) { while ((node = opt_useFirstChild ? node.firstChild : node.lastChild) && node.tagName != goog.dom.TagName.A) { // Do nothing - advancement is handled in the condition. } return node; };