// Copyright 2011 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview JavaScript reflection tools. They should only be used for * debugging non-compiled code or tests, because there is no guarantee that * they work consistently in all browsers. * */ goog.provide('goog.debug.reflect'); /** * Maps the unique id of the known constructors to their full names. * Initialized lazily. * @type {Object.} * @private */ goog.debug.reflect.typeMap_ = null; /** * List of all known constructors. Initialized lazily. * @type {Array.} * @private */ goog.debug.reflect.constructors_ = null; /** * Copy of {@code Object.prototype.toString} to use if it is overridden later. * Although saving the original {@code toString} somewhat protects against * third-party libraries which touch {@code Object.prototype}, the actual goal * of this assignment is to allow overriding that method, thus more debug * information can be exposed about objects. * See {@link goog.debug.reflect.typeOf}. * @private */ goog.debug.reflect.toString_ = Object.prototype.toString; /** * Registers a type which will be recognized by goog.debug.reflect.typeOf. * @param {string} name Full name of the type. * @param {!Function} ctor The constructor. * @private */ goog.debug.reflect.registerType_ = function(name, ctor) { goog.debug.reflect.constructors_.push(ctor); goog.debug.reflect.typeMap_[goog.getUid(ctor)] = name; }; /** * Adds all known constructors to the type registry. * @private */ goog.debug.reflect.init_ = function() { if (goog.debug.reflect.typeMap_) { return; } goog.debug.reflect.typeMap_ = {}; goog.debug.reflect.constructors_ = []; var implicitNs = goog.getObjectByName('goog.implicitNamespaces_') || {}; for (var ns in implicitNs) { if (implicitNs.hasOwnProperty(ns)) { var nsObj = goog.getObjectByName(ns); for (var name in nsObj) { if (nsObj.hasOwnProperty(name) && goog.isFunction(nsObj[name])) { goog.debug.reflect.registerType_(ns + '.' + name, nsObj[name]); } } } } goog.debug.reflect.registerType_('Array', Array); goog.debug.reflect.registerType_('Boolean', Boolean); goog.debug.reflect.registerType_('Date', Date); goog.debug.reflect.registerType_('Error', Error); goog.debug.reflect.registerType_('Function', Function); goog.debug.reflect.registerType_('Number', Number); goog.debug.reflect.registerType_('Object', Object); goog.debug.reflect.registerType_('String', String); // The compiler gets upset if we alias regexp directly, because // then it can't optimize regexps as well. Just be sneaky about it, // because this is only for debugging. goog.debug.reflect.registerType_('RegExp', goog.global['RegExp']); }; /** * Returns the name of a type of object. * @param {!Function} classConstructor A object constructor to get the name of. * @return {string|undefined} The string name of the class. */ goog.debug.reflect.className = function(classConstructor) { goog.debug.reflect.init_(); if (goog.isDefAndNotNull(classConstructor)) { return goog.debug.reflect.typeMap_[goog.getUid(classConstructor)]; } else { return undefined; } }; /** * Guesses the real type of the object, even if its {@code toString} method is * overridden. Gives exact result for all goog.provided classes in non-compiled * code, and some often used native classes in compiled code too. Not tested in * multi-frame environment. * * Example use case to get better type information in the Watch tab of FireBug: *
 * Object.prototype.toString = function() {
 *   return goog.debug.reflect.typeOf(this);
 * };
* * @param {*} obj An arbitrary variable to get the type of. * @return {string} The namespaced type of the argument or 'Object' if didn't * manage to determine it. Warning: in IE7 ActiveX (including DOM) objects * don't expose their type to JavaScript. Their {@code constructor} * property is undefined and they are not even the instances of the * {@code Object} type. This method will recognize them as 'ActiveXObject'. */ goog.debug.reflect.typeOf = function(obj) { // Check primitive types. if (!obj || goog.isNumber(obj) || goog.isString(obj) || goog.isBoolean(obj)) { return goog.typeOf(obj); } // Check if the type is present in the registry. goog.debug.reflect.init_(); if (obj.constructor) { // Some DOM objects such as document don't have constructor in IE7. var type = goog.debug.reflect.typeMap_[goog.getUid(obj.constructor)]; if (type) { return type; } } // In IE8 the internal 'class' property of ActiveXObjects is Object, but // String(obj) tells their real type. var isActiveXObject = goog.global.ActiveXObject && obj instanceof ActiveXObject; var typeString = isActiveXObject ? String(obj) : goog.debug.reflect.toString_.call(/** @type {Object} */ (obj)); var match = typeString.match(/^\[object (\w+)\]$/); if (match) { var name = match[1]; var ctor = goog.global[name]; try { if (obj instanceof ctor) { return name; } } catch (e) { // instanceof may fail if the guessed name is not a real type. } } // Fall back to Object or ActiveXObject. return isActiveXObject ? 'ActiveXObject' : 'Object'; };