# Licensing ## FiveUI FiveUI is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. The full text of the license can be found in: - apache-license-v2.0.txt This license pertains to the content of the `contexts` directory, with the exception of `contexts\data\lib`, which holds 3rd party libraries that may be licensed under different licenses, as noted below. ## Ace Editor FiveUI makes use of the Ace Editor, which remains licensed under the MPL. We have added the current version of the MPL (v2.0) to the Ace source directory at: - contexts\data\lib\ace\LICENSE.txt ## Rule Sets (Codified guidelines) The ruleSets directory contains codified guidelines that are released under the Apache License unless indicated otherwise. # Tools Various open-source tools are distributed to assist with the build process. These tools are located in the tools directory, and they are each subject to their individual licenses.