from numpy import zeros import pygame from pygame.locals import Color import util class Renderer(object): def render_game(self, game_board): """ renderBoard @param game_board -- dictionary of tuples of location (x,y), 0 indexed from the top left of the board. """ raise NotImplementedError def color_deref(self, color_str): return Color(color_str) class PygameRenderer(Renderer): """ Based heavily off of PygameRenderer in SmootLight. Renders Tetris to a pygame Window. """ DISPLAY_SIZE = (1000,1000) OFFSET = (100, 100) SCALE = 15 RADIUS = 6 def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.DISPLAY_SIZE) self.background = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size()) self.background = self.background.convert() self.background.fill(Color(0,0,0)) def render_game(self, game_board): self.background.fill(Color(0,0,0)) x0 = self.OFFSET[0] - self.SCALE/2 - 3 y0 = self.OFFSET[1] - 10 x1 = self.OFFSET[0]+8 + 9*self.SCALE y1 = self.OFFSET[1]+8 + 19*self.SCALE b2 = self.SCALE * 13 #x offset for second board line_endpoints = [((x0,y0), (x0,y1)), ((x0,y1), (x1,y1)), ((x1,y1), (x1,y0)), ((x1,y0), (x0,y0)), ((x0,y1 - 16), (x1,y1 - 16)), ((x0,y1 - 31), (x1,y1 - 31))] for p1,p2 in line_endpoints: pygame.draw.line(self.background, self.color_deref("white"), p1, p2) pygame.draw.line(self.background, self.color_deref("white"), (p1[0]+b2,p1[1]),(p2[0]+b2,p2[1])) x_mid = (x0+x1)/2 + self.SCALE pygame.draw.line(self.background, self.color_deref("white"), (x_mid,y1 - 16),(x_mid,y1 - 31)) pygame.draw.line(self.background, self.color_deref("white"), (x_mid+b2,y1 - 16),(x_mid+b2,y1 - 31)) for (x,y) in game_board: disp_x = x if x >= 10: disp_x+=3 x0 = self.OFFSET[0] - self.SCALE/2 - 3 y0 = self.OFFSET[1] - 10 x1 = self.OFFSET[0]+8 + 9*self.SCALE y1 = self.OFFSET[1]+8 + 19*self.SCALE b2 = self.SCALE * 13 #x offset for second board line_endpoints = [((x0,y0), (x0,y1)), ((x0,y1), (x1,y1)), ((x1,y1), (x1,y0)), ((x1,y0), (x0,y0)), ((x0,y1 - 16), (x1,y1 - 16)), ((x0,y1 - 31), (x1,y1 - 31))] for p1,p2 in line_endpoints: pygame.draw.line(self.background, self.color_deref("white"), p1, p2) pygame.draw.line(self.background, self.color_deref("white"), (p1[0]+b2,p1[1]),(p2[0]+b2,p2[1])), self.color_deref(game_board[(x,y)]), (self.OFFSET[0] + disp_x*self.SCALE, self.OFFSET[1] + y*self.SCALE), self.RADIUS) self.screen.blit(self.background, (0,0)) pygame.display.flip() class LedRenderer(Renderer): """ Renderer for the LEDs. Based heavily on IndoorRenderer in Smootlight and general Smootlight abstraction patterns """ POWER_SUPPLY_IPS = ['',0,0,0] #TODO: Fill in SOCK_PORT = 6038 sockets = {} def render_game(self, game_board): packets = self.map_to_packets(game_board) packets_with_destinations = zip(self.POWER_SUPPLY_IPS, packets) for (ip, (port, packet)) in packets_with_destinations: if not ip in self.sockets: self.sockets[ip] = util.getConnectedSocket(ip, self.SOCK_PORT) final_packet = util.composePixelStripPacket(packet, port) try: if self.sockets[ip] != None: self.sockets[ip].send(final_packet, 0x00) except: print 'failure sending packet' def color_deref(self, color): return (255, 0, 0) def map_to_packets(self, game_board): """ Performs the mapping between a game_board and a list of (port,packet) pairs. The port,packet pairs should line up with the ip's in IP_ADDRESSES """ #This is hardcoded, mostly because I'm curious of the complexity packets = [] board_x_min = 0 board_x_max = 10 section_width = 10 section_height = 5 for board_x_min in [0, 10]: packet = [] for board_y_min in [20, 15, 10, 5]: strip = zeros((50,3),'ubyte') index = 0 for y in range(board_y_min, board_y_min-section_height, -1): for x in range(board_x_min+section_width, board_x_min, -1): if (x,y) in game_board: strip[index] = self.color_deref(game_board[(x,y)]) packet.append((1+len(packet), strip)) index += 1 packets += packet return packets