urweb-gravatarUr/Web Gravatar library9 yearssummarylogtree
urweb-markdownUr/Web Markdown parser9 yearssummarylogtree
urweb-regexUr/Web regular expression library9 yearssummarylogtree
ppaml-vrep-automobile-pluginV-REP plugin to extract sensor data from a vehicle with Ackermann steering10 yearssummarylogtree
bazela fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system6 yearssummarylogtree
ppamltracera lightweight, portable tracing library10 yearssummarylogtree
Ba new way to look at the Agda standard library9 yearssummarylogtree
zephyran institutional/enterprise-scale real-time messaging and notification system5 yearssummarylogtree
jarvisasynchronous interactive shell9 yearssummarylogtree
dewpointcalculate dew points3 yearssummarylogtree
18.022cheat sheet for vector and multivariable calculus13 yearssummarylogtree
oss-fuzzcontinuous fuzzing for open source software23 monthssummarylogtree
FiveUIextensible UI analysis in your browser10 yearssummarylogtree
6.947fake course web site11 yearssummarylogtree
fiat-cryptofast, formally verified cryptography5 yearssummarylogtree
textadeptfast, minimalist, Lua-extensible editor2 yearssummarylogtree
git-fetch-prfetch GitHub pull requests by URL4 yearssummarylogtree
scovillefile name translator overlay4 yearssummarylogtree
underlying.cfind the underlying program in a wrapper script7 yearssummarylogtree
gpg-forward-agentforward your gpg-agent connections via SSH10 yearssummarylogtree
urwebfunctional programming language for web programming6 yearssummarylogtree
urweb-crypto-random-opensslgenerate cryptographically secure random bytes (please read yearssummarylogtree
git-annex-gplgit-annex without the AGPL2 yearssummarylogtree
xscreensaver-dbuslet Chrome suspend XScreenSaver during video playback3 yearssummarylogtree
tensorflowmachine learning framework6 yearssummarylogtree
localsubnetsetdmaintain nftables sets for local subnets3 yearssummarylogtree
xssxssmake Chrome suspend XScreenSaver during video playback4 yearssummarylogtree
SmootLightmodular control system for interactive large-scale pixel-based light installatio...13 yearssummarylogtree
laptopfsnetwork file system designed for disconnected operation3 yearssummarylogtree
poseoriginal Palm OS emulator3 yearssummarylogtree
ageOfpluggable utility to determine somebody’s age11 yearssummarylogtree
pndpowerdpower management daemon for the OpenPandora handheld8 yearssummarylogtree
skipheadpreserve headers when grepping through program output2 yearssummarylogtree
brightnessctlread and control device brightness4 yearssummarylogtree
libfusereference implementation of the Linux FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) interface6 yearssummarylogtree
moshremote login with local echo and roaming10 monthssummarylogtree
gsrsupresumable streaming uploads for Google Cloud Storage3 yearssummarylogtree
notmuch_watcher.hsrun `notmuch new` whenever mail is delivered to your maildir6 yearssummarylogtree
bitutilsscripts to ease working with binary numbers3 yearssummarylogtree
mailcore2simple and asynchronous API to work with IMAP, POP, and SMTP4 yearssummarylogtree
lytsimple literate programming tool9 yearssummarylogtree
stsimple terminal9 yearssummarylogtree
cc-skeletonskeleton for C++ projects9 yearssummarylogtree
ecterminal-based RPN calculator2 yearssummarylogtree
coqthe Coq proof assistant6 yearssummarylogtree
notmuchthread-based email index, search and tagging10 yearssummarylogtree
goldfishwmtiling window manager for Linux2 yearssummarylogtree
dagitfixtools to ~automatically fix packaging and branching of Debathena repositories11 yearssummarylogtree
fish-shelluser-friendly command line shell8 yearssummarylogtree
google-toolbox-for-macutility library for Apple development3 yearssummarylogtree